Chapter 12

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Ash Point of View

Once I stepped into the room all these memories came flooding in, all my favourite bands hanging up on the wall. I remember that time I feel of my bed when I was younger and broke my arm. I huge stack of CD’s up against the wall, my wardrobe with my clothes hanging out.

I went and sat down on my bed and just thought about life. I heard something buzzing on the bed side table and I looked at it and it was an iPhone 5 sitting there, was that mine. It was a notification from Luke5SOS

@Luke5SOS: Glad to be home xx

I totally forgot how to use this thing do I slide it across or what.

“You slide it” a voice said

I looked up and it was Luke, he came over and helped my work out this phone.

“How are you?” he asked

“I’m good” I said

“I missed you so much” he said

“What was I like?” I asked

“Well you were bubbly, musical and just very happy about everything, well that’s a lie” he said

“A lie?” I asked

“Well, we have had a few problems with each other it lasted for a while but everything was shorted until the incident happened” he said

“What happened to me Luke” I asked

“I’m sorry is all I can say” he said

“Why are you sorry it’s not your fault” I said

“Yes, it was I threw you into the pool and you knocked your head on the bottom of the pool and or you would have drowned so I jumped in after you” he said looking at his lap

“Luke that was a little mistake they happen” I said looking at him in the eyes

“No, you could have died and then I would have to live with the fact that I killed you” he said

“Luke no matter where I am, I would always be looking over you” I said

“That’s not the point” he said

“Luke look on the bright side I am here alive and breathing” I said

“So when are you going back on tour” I asked

“I am not sure when you are better” He said

“But I have school” I said

“Don’t worry about it was all planned out” he said

We talked for hours and just caught up on everything, memories started coming back to me I was starting to remember everything now. But things were still blurry I had to try and think extra hard on something’s.

But I am just glad to be home and not in the hospital bed anymore. Why those beds are so uncomfortable and they are pillows aren’t even pillows. I am just glad to be back in my nice warm bed. I turned on the radio and just listened to music and this was helping with memory.

Luke came up and told me that dinner was ready, so I followed him down to the kitchen and we went and sat in the dining room waiting for dinner. Mum made a really nice meal and it was way better than hospital food I guess, not that I had any.

After dinner we all went and sat down in the lounge room and watched a couple of movies, we watched this once called mean girls and Luke was basically reciting the whole movie. We watched a few more movies.

I went back up to my room and had a nice warm shower and that felt so good. After the shower I went back to my room and changed into some nice warm PJ and jumped into bed and got onto my phone and started looking at all the social media apps I have.

And they were very interesting lots of people were asking where Luke was and why he was glad to be home. I looked at my twitter and saw that I have no tweeted anything in weeks since I have been out for quite a few weeks.

@ashleighhemmings: Glad to be home

I signed of twitter and just started looking around my room a bit more I found things that I have never seen before. And things that I wished I have never seen before. I walked over in circles I know strange but I did miss this room even if I can’t remember it much.

I was so tired once my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Guys,

I just want to thank you guys so much for getting this over 1.5K reads this means a lot. I actually never thought that this would get this far. This means a whole heap and I really hope you enjoy the story and keep reading there is still lots to come. I have no idea if some chapters make sense I guess you have got to try and work out what happening but I think that it’s pretty clear. If I have made any false information please let me know it will also help with me planning the next chapters that are coming up.

I have a huge favour to ask you guys.

Who do you think should play Ash, Ali and Chelsea, don’t worry they will be back in the next few chapters so will other members from the families I can’t leave them all out that won’t be out. Also go and check out my other story “Living in the Shadow” I would have to say that is has kind of the same story line but different it’s basically about going on tour but living in the shadow of your older brother and sister and having to deal with how their lives work different to yours.

Sorry this is very long I just want to thank you guys so much this is only the start for Ash.

Please note: that I am going to be away for 2 weeks and I am not sure if I am going to have internet I hope I do but will write 2 chapters and I will make sure that are up before October or the first few days in October I will have to see. I am also away for a week in October because of camp so there will be no chapter that week. But there will be one after that.

Thank you again



You can find me on twitter @infinityhemmo7 tweet me and follow me I may post clues to what is going to happen in the upcoming chapters maybe, maybe not you will just have to wait and see.

Love you heaps bye xx 

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