Chapter 8

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Ash Point of View

I walked into the dining room and sat down next to Lauren and waited to Michael to tell me the story. 

“Ok, so I was casually eating my food and Ash was telling us this hilarious story, and I was like laughing so hard that I fell of my chair and now look where I am” Michael said

“Give me your hand” I said

I lifted Michael up and we started to pack up the table and started washing the dishes. Lauren and I finished doing our dishes off and decided that we should go and pay a visit to Ali.

We walked a few blocks to Ali's house and walked through the gates and knocked on the door but there was no answer looked into the windows and there was nothing left. I went around the back and there was nothing left, no furniture nothing it’s like they just packed up and left, well they did but I thought they weren’t leaving until tomorrow.

 “Are you looking for the Smith Family?” A lady asked

 “Yeah” I said

 “You just missed them” she said

"OK thanks" I said

"Wait are you Ashleigh Hood?"

"I'm Ashleigh but not Hood, Hemmings" I said

 “I knew it started with a H, but she told me to tell you if you come around that they left early but she is going to the One Direction concert in Cali next year and if you are still on good term wondered if you wanted to me up” she said

“Thanks for telling me” I said

Lauren and I walked back towards the house in the slowest way possible. It's only a few weeks until we go away on tour with the boys and I am super excited.

Lauren and I walked back into the house and there was not a sound being made, we walked around the lounge room and they weren't there I am guessing the parents have gone out and left the kids to themselves. 

We walked around the house, we walked past Luke's bedroom and you could hear the faint sounds of snoring. I opened the door and they have fallen asleep, Luke and Calum on Luke's bed and Ash and Michael were on the floor. I pulled my phone out and took a photo of the boys and uploaded it to twitter.

@ashleighhemmings: Christmas with these four idiots and Lauren @Luke5SOS, @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS, @Calum5SOS, @5SOS

I uploaded to twitter and in seconds I got comments wishing us a Merry Christmas. I heard the boys starting to shuffle around a bit and Ash woke up and didn’t have a good look on his face. The other boys started to wake up and I got a text from my mum saying that the parents have gone out for a Christmas dinner and us kid are to hang out together, we all decided that we should watch a Christmas movie.

We went into the lounge room and Ashton went into the kitchen to cook some pop-corn and get some lollies. We had no idea what movie to watch Luke wanted to watch Mean Girls and we complained about how we watched that movie a thousand times.

We made a deal we can watch Mean Girls on the tour bus, while we are on tour. We watched the some random Christmas movie I don’t even know the name of it. It was actually quite good but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

Later that night after we watched Mean Girls and Luke basically resited the whole movie, we thought that it would be a good idea to for a late night stroll. We packed up the movie and put on your shoes and made our way out of the house locking it behind us, I have no idea where we were going just taking it as we go.

We continued to walk around the streets of Sydney in the warm summer air, it wasn’t even dark yet. The boys were just mucking around in front of us and Harry, Lauren and I were just keeping it calm acting like we didn’t know them at all. We continued to walk for a while more until we came to a stop outside this go karting place.

“Here we are kids” Ashton said

“We are not kids” I said

“Well, little Harry is” Ashton said

“Am not” Harry protested

We head inside and get ourselves into our outfits and got out helmets, Harry was given a smaller kart since he was a bit younger than us, we all line up and wish each other luck, Lauren, Harry and I were on one team and the boys were on the other Harry got a head start and then the boys took off, after a couple of laps Lauren went on the track and by the look of it we were having the fastest time.

Now it was my go I was up against Luke for the final spot they did this on purpose. I was in the lead until Luke came up and over took me, it was trying to make me go slower by swerving all around the track but it failed on him.

I hit the corner of his cart and it made him go around in circles, I speed of off overtaking him, in the end we won against the boys and boy were they not happy about it. What a way to spend Christmas, we walked to the park and just sat down in an open area on the grass and just sat down and talked about the tour.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out to see it was a text message from mum

From: Liz Hemmings

To: Ashleigh Hemmings

Where are you?


From: Ashleigh Hemmings

To: Liz Hemmings

At the park


From: Liz Hemmings

To: Ashleigh Hemmings

Be home soon

I told the boys that mum wants us home soon, we spend a little more at the park before we make your way back to the house. What a way to spend Christmas best I have had in years.


Thanks for reading 

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