Chapter 10

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Luke Point of View

It has been days since we had the accident and days since I have left this hospital room. The boys have come in and visited and they have tried to cheer my up but nothing has worked. All I do is sit next to Ash and hold her hand and just scroll on my phones for hours. The nurses come in and check up on her but nothing is happening.

I can’t sleep at night knowing that I have done this and if I never threw her in the pool we could be hanging out at the house not at the hospital. Mum has brought in some work for me to do to keep my mind of things but none of it is working.

I always think that she is going to wake up but I never know when and how it is going, what happens when she is wakes up will she forget us and we will have to try and help her regain her memory. So many thoughts are always running through my head.

The hospital is nice enough to give me food than having to go out and buy something to eat every day, but hospital food is never nice is just looks like mush. The only thing that I like is the jelly and the fruit and the fruit is nice and fresh. I always have these feelings that Ash can hear every word that I say so I try and talk to her to tell her what she is missing out on we put this whole tour on hold until she was awake and able to come with us.

I was not going without her I know that I have not been the nicest for the past couple of years just leaving her behind and not contacting her as much as I would like to, I guess I know how she felt when I left her and didn’t contact no I know what it’s like to be left all of the sudden. If only I could go back to the day and no throw her just jump in with her on not throw her in at all.

I keep blaming myself for this stupid act, most of the time I just spend writing song or scrolling on twitter. I haven’t tweeted anything in ages I don’t think anyone knows that I am actually where I am. I pull out my phone and have a look around and lots of fans are asking where we all have been, my mentions are full of “where are you” I don’t want them to find out where I am I need this time with Ash I need to be the first person she sees when she wakes up if she remembers me or not I don’t care as long as I get to see her first.

Mum always comes in and ask if I want to take a break and go out with the boys but I can’t face to do it in case she wakes up and I don’t see her. Lauren has been in and out bringing in lots of little gifts and notes from her other school friends which I have no idea who they are. Lauren said that she told them not to say a thing and that I want to have some privacy.

I love the fans but I think that they always get in on things and it turns into a big mess and we have right in the middle of it and it’s like trying to get out a mob by ourselves. Everyone has a private life and I think we deserve to keep it secret and not everyone has to know what we are doing. I know there are twitter accounts for updates and they have insiders. My twitter mentions started blowing up all of the sudden and I look and it’s an update accounting and they think that have found where I am. I keep looking and see that there is a picture of the hospital at where Ash is staying in, and they can’t get let in because of the privacy of the other patients.

I knew they would find out where I am and they are bloody going to find a way to the room hack into the cameras and look to see where I have been camping out for the past couple of days. I was just left in thought when I hear a knock on the door, and in walks a nurse.

“Hello, my name is Kate” she said

“Hi I am Luke” I said

“What is your relationship with Ash” she asked

“Brother” is said

“Wait, you’re from the band 5 Seconds of Summer” she said

“Yes I am” I replied

“My younger sister loves you guys” she said

I just gave her a smile, she walked over to Ash and check her to make sure she was ok, she wrote things down on her notepad and she had this strange look on her face. She is about to say something when she is called to check on another patient. Once she leaves the room I get up and walked over to Ash bed and take a closer look she looks a little paler than normal. I can see her breathing if only she would decide that it’s time to wake up and play those instruments again.

 I have my guitar with me and I just play some of the songs to her hoping that she can hear them, and it’s giving her an idea that she is missing a lot. Michael keeps texting me saying that he want to come in but he hates the facts that she is just lying there and she is a deep sleep, she is like a sister to him and he hates to see her hurt.

I hate seeing her lying there her lifeless body she not actually dead but it feels like it, she can’t respond to me I miss her arguing with me. I miss just hearing her voice the hospital has no sound, just the sound of nurses and doctors running up and down the hall and the sound of the annoying beeping, I could never get used to having to listen to to it all day, I rather be in a recording studio but I am here becasue I have put her in this situation. 


Thanks for reading

Thank you for getting this over to a 1,000 reads this means a lot, I never actually thought that it would get this far, There is drama to come this is only the start of it. If you were reading this when it had Rylee in it I'm sorry I was writing it late at night and I was also thinking about my other story. But if you just see Ash then you have nothing to worry about. 



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