Chapter 11

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Luke Point of View

I has been a few weeks since we have the accident and the doctors keep saying that she will wake up but they don’t know when, I just hope today is the day.

As normal I was just sitting next to her bed with my feet up on the side of the bed once hand holding onto her hand and my other one was just scrolling through twitter and Instagram. People have been starting to find out that there is something wrong none of us have tweeted anything for days and Ash hasn’t of course.

Also the all the sudden tour postponed and we haven’t given them a full explanation on why we cancelled the whole tour. It was Friday 3:30pm this is when the most spectacular thing happened, I felt something move in my hand and I looked over and saw that Ash was starting to wake up.

I quickly got up and saw that her eyes were wide open and I could see her bright blue eyes, I ran out to tell the nurses that she was awake and they came and did a couple of checks on her and gave her the all clear.

“Who are you?” she asked

I knew that this was going to happen, now what did the doctor tell me just try and talk to her like you have first me, I know that you are brother and sister but it would work.

“I am Luke Hemmings” I said

“Hi, Luke I am Ash” she said

“You look like me” she said

“I know we look a lot alike” I said

“Ashleigh you are awake” Lauren said walking into the room

“Lauren, OMG I miss you so much” she said giving her a hug

But how come she remembers everyone else but not me, everyone start walking into the room and she remembers them all but not me. I the doctors comes in and tells me that something in her brain is telling her not remember me and all I have to do is just remind her of the memories that we had.

“I wanna go on tour one day” she said

“You can” Lauren said

“How?” she asked

“Luke is your brother he is in a band” she said

“I don’t have a brother called Luke only Ben and Jack” she said

I could not hold it anymore I just ran out of the room

Ash Point of View

OMG, it feels great to be awake, the funny thing was I could what everyone was saying I just could not saying anything back or move anything. I always felt someone holding me hand and telling me they are sorry for what they did.

When I started to have enough energy to move I opened my eyes and in front of me was a blonde boy with blue eyes wow we look alike. I feel like I should know who he is but I can’t put my finger on it.

We start talking and he is really nice boy if only I knew who he was, I then hear my name being called and I looked over and recognized everyone but how come I can’t remember him.  Lauren my best friend for years is her she comes over and gives me a hug, and I see the rest of the boys and mum, dad and Jack and Ben. 

I just catch up with them about what has been happening and out of nowhere I said that I wanted to go on tour and Lauren said I could with Luke because he was my brother and I didn’t know that he was my brother, he ran out of the room crying, did I say something that I should of have.

I get up and the nurses unplugged  my from all my machines and they helped my change into some different clothes and helped me to walk and once I got the hang of it I walked out of the room and had a look around looking for this tall blonde boy.

In the end I found him sitting outside with his head in his hands and he looks like he is crying, I go and sit down next to him and wrap my arms around him.

“Are you my brother?” I asked

“Yes, Ash I am your brother” he said

“Why can’t I remember you” I asked

“I’m not sure but I will be here to help you” he said

“That’s why we look so a like” I asked

“Yes that is why we are related” he said

We talked for hours he was basically telling my about my life that I could not remember, little bits are starting to come back but not a lot, I keep asking how I ended up here but he would always avoid the question is it something he did, did he make me end up here.

He told me about his life and how he is in a band and that I was going to go on tour until I was ended up in hospital and he has been staying with me for the past weeks because he wanted to be the first one to see me wake up. Also how I can play guitar, bass, drums and sing a little.

And how they always joke about how I could replace them in the band one day, because I was that good at guitar, drums and singing. After a while we went back up to the hospital room and it was all packed up, the nurse came in and told me that I was able to go home but I had to come back in a few days for a check-up.

I had no idea where I was going I just followed the family out to the car, and mum started driving home I guess I have no idea I still don’t remember things. We made it this double story house and it looked really nice, I followed the family in and Luke guided me upstairs we go to this door that had posters stuck all over it and I opened the door and things came flooding back.


I'm sorry if I got anything wrong I just wrote from what I have learnt, But a huge thanks for getting this over a thousand reads this means a whole heap. I am going away in just over a week and I am not sure when I will update but I will make sure I do.


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