Chapter 7

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Christmas Day

Ash Point of View


“Yeah, yeah give me a minute” I said slowly getting out of bed

Once he was out of the room I carefully pulled the guitar out from under my bed and somehow bringing down to the lounge room.

Once I made it down the flight of stairs I saw the rest of the crew all siting around in the lounge room.

“Loving the hair Ash” Lauren said

“Thanks someone was too eager” I said putting it up in a quick messy bun

“PRESENT TIME!!” Calum yelled

“SHUT UP!” I yelled back

He held his hand up in surrender and mumbled things under his breath. I got the boys some band shirt which I know they will rip up and some jeans which they would put holes in as well. I also go them some music and some phone cases. I got Lauren some clothes and some make-up, music, jewellery and basically the same for Mali but a bit more different style. I got my parents some cooking books and things for the shed.

About an hour later

“Is that it?” Luke asked

“No, I have one more thing” I said

I walked out to the kitchen where I put the guitar and brought in in with a little struggle, but I managed I walked it over to where Luke was sitting and handed it to him.

“Enjoy” I said

He carefully ripped the card off and read it out loud.

Dear Lukey,

Merry Christmas,

You are probably thinking what the hell is in this box, well I can’t tell you. You just have to find out and see for yourself, we have started off with a rough year but that now is in the past let’s leave that behind. I really hope you enjoy your present and use it for a long time to come and I hope to see it in the future.

Lots of Love Ash, mum and dad

He had no idea what is in that box, he starts to carefully rip the paper off and is taking forever.

“Mate we don’t have all day” Michael said

“Sorry” he said

Once he took of all the paper all there was is the cardboard box, he slowly took the lid off the top and his face lit up. He put the box on the ground and ran up to me and engulfed me in a huge hug.

“I love you so much” he said

“I love you too” I said

“That is so awesome Luke” Ashton said

“OMG you will have the coolest guitar out of all of us” Michael said

“I was there when Ash was buying it” Lauren said

“Is that what you were hiding?” Michael asked

“Yep” I said

“I told you, that you would have to wait and see what you got for Christmas”

“Yeah thanks Cal” Luke said

We all moved into a huge group hug and Luke being in the middle of all off us

“Guys can’t breathe here” Luke said

“LUNCH” Liz said

We all piled out of the lounge room and into the kitchen to start Christmas lunch, once all the food was on the table the whole room went silent, you could only hear the sound of the knives and forks on the plate scrapping.

About half way through Lunch I heard the doorbell ring, Luke got up and went to answer the door and came back into the room with a shocked look on his face. He told me that there was someone there. I walked over to the door and standing in the doorway was Ali oh no.


“Not my fault” I said

“You never invite me to anything anymore, I can’t wait for you to go on tour I wold never have to deal with you again” she said

“Good because you are officially un-invited” I said

“Whatever” she said and handed me a letter

I took it and shut the door behind her I opened up the later and started reading it.

Dear Ash,

I’m sorry for what I just said I kind of just guess what was going to happen, Listen to me I am truly sorry. I wished that our friendship lasted longer but I guess we just took a turn for a worst. The reason I am like this is because I am moving away and I had no way of telling you that. I am moving from Australia to California. On the 26th of December, I should have told you earlier but I had no way of saying it. I guess I just wanted to spend all the time I had with you and I guess I was jealous that you spent all the time with Lauren.

All I ask is for you to forgive me, if you don’t we can just put it all behind. I am here later tonight you know where I live, but if you run out of time you know where to find me. I really wish that we could have sorted it out a different way if only I could back in time and change everything. None of this your fault it all mine I am taking the blame I am the one who ruined or friendship. The reason it all started when I found out that you were getting to go on tour with the boys. I kind of jumped to conclusion and thought that you would not want to be friends with me anymore. I know it’s of a stupid little things I just hope that we can stay friends. Just remember I am only an email, tweet, Facebook message, call, Skype away.

Love you heaps don’t forget me

Ali Smith xx


I had no idea how long I was sitting on the floor for because Lauren came and noticed that I had tears down my face. I handed Lauren the note and she started to read it.

“Ash I’m sorry we can go later and sort this all out” Lauren said

“I don’t know if I can” I said

“Your choice now come on everyone iswonderingwhereyouhavegoto" Laurensaid 

I followed Lauren back into the kitchen and Michael was lying on the floor laughing his head off.


Thanks for reading 

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