Chapter 16

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Ash Point of View

I had no idea what time it was, all I know that it was somewhat early in the morning. I woke up the sound of Luke walking in banging pans and pots together. I hit further under the covers, until I felt a rush of cold air hitting my legs.

“Lucas, leave me alone” I said into the pillow

“Hey, we have to leave in an hour to get to the airport so get up and have shower” he said

I finally got up and made my way to the shower and change into some comfortable clothes for the plane. I walked into the kitchen area and saw Luke waiting for me and of course he is wearing his black skinny jeans with a hole in one knee.

“You are going to be so uncomfortable” I said

“Nah, I will be fine”

“Don’t complain to me” I said

I grabbed a banana and walked out the door with my suitcase and backpack in hand. Luke locked the door and we made our way to find a taxi to take us to the airport. Once we got to the airport there were a whole heap of girl wanting pictures.

The boys turned up later and Lauren and I stood together this is the start to the journey. Luke and I stayed up all night trying to get a tutor for me while I was away and trying to sort out what I am going to do when I get home.

Once Luke and the boys finished taking pictures we made our way to check in, I was sitting next to Luke and Lauren and Calum, Ashton and Michael were together. We walked around for a bit waiting for our plane to be called.

“Flight 843 to London is now boarding at gate 7” a lady said over the income system

We made our way to the gate after saying bye to everyone and found our seats.

“I am already uncomfortable” Luke said

“Told you so, being the nice sister I am I packed you some track pants” I said handing them to him

“I will change after we take off” he said

Once we took off Luke went off and changed into his track pants. This was going to be a long flight, the food is crap but better than some other foods.

24 hours later

We were finally able to get of this plane, the boys would not stop talking about how they are excited for this tour, once we exited the plane we made our way to bag luggage and in no way was I ready to deal with their shit.

The boys were jumping around talking to fans and taking photos, as for me and Lauren we were ready to go back to bed. I was basically dragging my suitcase around waiting for the boys to get their gear together.

 I was dropping in and out of sleep waiting for the boys to be done, I know their fans are important but they have sister that just want to leave we have already been here for an hour. The boys finally finish off with the fans and made their way over to us.

Their manager come and picked us all up and took us to the arena and took us to our tour bus so we can set up. There were bunks in once section and in the back there was a lounge area and behind that was a room with two single beds.

Lauren and I took the room at the back and started to unpack since we are going to be on this bus for a while. Lauren and I just sat around talking about things while the boys did whatever they wanted to do. Later that night we all went out for dinner at a nice restaurant but not fancy.

We ended up moving to the take-away place across the road because the people in the restaurant were being pains. We sat around just talking about who knows what. After dinner we went back to the tour bus and went and go changed into some PJ’s and went and sat in the lounge room.

The hardest part of the night was trying to decide what movie to what everybody wanted to watch something different. We all kept complain on how Luke wanted to watch mean girls when we have already seen it like a thousand times.

In the end we watched the Lego movie I know, they wanted to watch it and I was in no way to fight with them. I had no idea what time it was but all I remember is falling asleep half way through the movie. The next morning I woke up in the lounge room with a blanket over me.

I could feel a hot breath on the back of my neck, I freak out and just rolled a little too far and landed on the floor with a thump. I looked up and saw that Luke was hanging over the couch laughing at me.

“Lucas” I said

He just started laughing and he rolled to far over and ended up on the floor as well. I could not stop laughing all the boys and Lauren ran into the room seeing Luke on the floor. They just burst out into laughter they thought it was that funny.

“Stacks on” Calum called  

We all piled onto Luke stacking on top of each other, we all started laughing I had no idea that the bus was moving, when the bus did a sharp turn we all fell of Luke and landed in a pile next to him. We just ended up in a fit of laughter.

I looked at the door and I swear that I saw someone there and it looked like mum.

“Mum” I whispered

I got up and ran out of the room and into the main part of the bus, and looked around I swear that I saw her. Luke walked in behind me and wrapped me in his arms.

“Everything is going to be alright” he said

Why does life have to be hard?


Thanks for reading,

Feed back is very helpful, it gives me an idea on what I should improve. Also a big thank you for 3K reads it means a lot. I start school in a couple of days, so updating is going to be slow.

Love you guys heaps 


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