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"Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."

- Andy's POV -

"Have you packed everything?" my mum asked.
"There are only a few things left. But we're leaving tomorrow so it can wait." I shrugged.
"If you say so. But don't leave here anything, I can't just take it after you to your uni."
"I know mum, I'm not gonna leave anything home, just let me-"

A knock on the door interrupted me. I let out a squeal and jogged to the door, expecting Rye to be there, because we agreed he'd come over. But I saw none other than Harvey standing there.
"Hey. Can we talk please?" he asked.
"Oh yeah, sure." I stepped outside, closing the door behind us. "Is there something wrong? We haven't spoken for a while."

"How long has it been?" he chuckled.
"Hmm... over a year, I know, because the last time you said something to me was when the whole school realized me and Rye were dating."
"God, it's been so long..."
"Why are you here Harvey?"
The boy in front of me inhaled sharply and looked away from my eyes, now staring at his shoes. "I wanted to apologize. I should've understood we weren't meant to be while you and Rye were."

I smiled. "Harvey I didn't once expect you to accept that I cheated on you. But the group missed you. And so did I. We were good friends and you gave me the silent treatment for over a year. I know I hurt you back then but so did you."
"I... I didn't think about that before. I mean... I missed our friendship so much as well but whenever I thought about you I forced myself to be mad at you even when I couldn't even remember why I should've been mad..."

"How have you been lately?" I asked, changing the subject to something easier.
"Well... me and Harry got together. I got into college and... life's looking pretty scary but good scary now."
"Hold up." I laughed. "You and Harry? Are you for real?"
I hugged him. "God Harvey I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks And. So now what's your plan? Where are you going to college? And what about Rye?"

"Oh we both got scholarships and we chose schools that weren't far away from each other so we can go over to the other whenever we want to." I explained while smiling widely.
"I still can't believe Rye got a scholaship. You changed him so much Andy."
"He changed me as well. You know, sometimes when you meet a person, you first notice the things you don't like about them. You build your own opinion on them and maybe you haven't even spoken once. But the minute you start talking, the minute you open up to each other, you'll see that your opinion wasn't even close to what that person in front of you is. We judge people because we're humans. But most of the time we judge wrong."

As I finished that, the gate on our fence opened and Rye walked up to us.
"Hey babe. Harvey, I wasn't expecting you here, what's up man?"
"Oh I just came here to apologize. To the both of you. To Andy for ignoring him and hurting him and to you... for judging you wrong."
"Accepted, man. Everyone judges others. I did too and look what I got from it."

My boyfriend wrapped his arm around my hips and pulled me close to himself to press a kiss to my temple. I giggled and leaned into the kiss.
"Well, I hope we can be friends from now on, And."
"Of course."
"Okay then. Goodbye guys."
"Bye Harv."

We watched Harvey get into his car and drive away. I leaned even more into Rye's embrace as he left and let out a sigh.
"What baby?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just comfy."
Rye laughed and picked me up bridal style to carry me to my bedroom. We fell on the bed and tangled up in each other.
"So... the last day of our summer. How are you feeling babe?"
I sighed. "Scared. I mean I know it will be good because you will be there... but I'm still kind of scared, you know."
"So am I. No Beaumont has ever set foot in a university, I'll be the first." he joked and I pushed his shoulder a little while smiling. "I'm glad I've got you by my side though. As long as you're here, I have nothing to be scared of."
"Shut up."
"You are."
"You're ruining a moment!"

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