Chapter 37 - No One Can Hurt You

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- Rye's POV -

When I went back home on Saturday morning, I was smiling like an idiot. I was way too happy for it to be real and my face hurt so much from smiling, but I couldn't stop. Whenever I thought about where I had just came from, I smiled because it seemed so unrealistic. I had sex with my boyfriend last night. And not just sex, but the best sex I've ever had.

"Good morning Romeo." Kate said with a smile as soon as I entered. The whole family was sitting around the dining table, having breakfast.
"Why did you call him Romeo?" Shaun asked.
"Because Rye is dating someone." Robbie answered. "They were together last night."
"Did you have sex?" Sammie asked and we started laughing while Kate looked absolutely mortified.
"See, this is what happens when you two talk about private things in front of the twins!" she said to Robbie and me.

"Rye come on, tell us about this relationship that you're in." Robbie said, completely ignoring Kate, who just rolled her eyes and went back to eating her cereal.
I walked over to the dining table and sat down at the end of it, looking at my little family. I knew Robbie and Kate were fine with it... but how do you explain two twelve year olds that you, a guy, are dating a guy?

"Um so... it's uh... it's Andy. I'm dating Andy." I said.
The twins looked at me a bit surprised.
"You can date a boy?" Sammie asked.
"Yeah, boys can date boys and girls can date girls." I explained.
"Dad hated that though." Shaun said, looking at Robbie.
"Because dad's an asshole, but we're not. We love Rye no matter what." my older brother explained.
The boys nodded and turned back to me.
"Andy's very nice."
"Yeah I like him too."

...And that's it.
They went back to eating their cereal without even sparing me another look. They weren't confused or anything, they just... accepted everything right away. It was unbelievable.
"You're not gonna like... freak out or something? None of you?"
"Why would we?" Kate asked. "We're not Hugh, Rye, we're your family. And we want to support you no matter what or who you do. We'll be here forever."

"Just tell me one thing though." Robbie started and I nodded, waiting for him to swallow his food to ask me. "Is he tighter than a girl?"
Kate slapped his arm harshly and I couldn't help but laugh at the scene.
"What does that mean? How is he tighter?" Sammie asked.
"You'll know if you get older." I answered. "And for your inform, my nosy big brother, he's tighter than anyone." I replied with a grin before standing up from the table to get myself something to eat as well. Kate groaned and started giving us lectures again about what is and what isn't appropriate to talk about around others.

- Andy's POV -

On Monday, I told the boys what happened. I was so happy I couldn't keep it in me any longer. They were all very happy for me, which I was thankful for. They seemed to get used to the fact that now Rye and I were actually official.

Our day was going quite good, until I came across a couple guys in the hallway.
"You look good there Fowler." one of them started and I thought it was a compliment at first, so I turned back to look and smile at him and thank him. "You know, no other girls could pull these off as good as you can with that ass. I bet your boyfriend loves it, right?"

"I... that's a little inappropriate, don't you think?"
He took a step forward and so did his friends, making me take a step back. I looked behind me to see that Brook and Harper were still behind me, but just as scared as I was.
"Oh I'm just asking a few questions from a friend. We're friends, right?"
"I don't even know you."
"Okay, then how about you let me fuck you?" he hissed between his teeth and he was just about to lunge forward, when he was pulled back by someone.

"You ever speak to him like that again, I'll rip your tongue out and feed it to the rats, you fucking twat." Rye said and landed two perfect punches, the second probably breaking the guy's nose, who fell onto the ground, holding his nose while crying. Rye looked at the guy's friends. "You want some too?" he asked, but the three boys quickly shook their head, two running away immediately and one staying behind to help his friend up from the floor.

Rye walked over to me then, the anger on his face quickly changing to concern. He pulled me into his arms and I broke down crying.
"Hey it's okay baby, I'm here. I'm right here, no one can hurt you." he mumbled while his hands stroked up and down my back.

"What the fuck, are you his boyfriend or something?" the guy with the broken nose asked.
That's when Rye's body stiffed and he pulled away from the hug to look around. The whole school was looking at us with shocked expressions and I could see the fear in Rye's eyes.
"You are, aren't you?"
"Shut up!" Brook yelled at the guy.
"Now look at that, the gayest kid in the school and his biggest bully ended up fucking. Isn't that a cute story?"
"I'll give you two broken ribs to if you don't SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!" Rye screamed, already moving in to jump on the guy, but I pulled him back.

"Is that true?" we heard a girl's voice and I turned my head to see Honor, tears rolling down her cheeks as she watched us.
"Honor I-"
"It's true, isn't it?"
"...I didn't know how to-"
"Fuck you Rye." she said and hurried away into the girls' bathroom.

"I fucking knew it." we heard someone else say and we turned our head to the other side, seeing Harvey there. "I knew you were just a pussy to admit it, I knew you were a closet case. I hope you're happy you cheated on me with that fucker, Andrew." he said before also walking away, Harry following him right behind.

I was crying still, but now for a completely other reason. I knew this was gonna destroy Rye as bad as possible, and I was so scared. I was scared he'd end up breaking up with me because he wouldn't be able to handle this whole package which came with being together publicly.
I looked up at my boyfriend, who was obviously upset. His jaw was clenched to keep him from crying, something he always did if he didn't want to seem weak. His whole body was stiff, no part of him touching me anymore.

"Rye..." I whispered. "It's okay."
He didn't say anything back.

Two minutes later a teacher arrived and took Rye with herself to the office. My boyfriend - if I could still call him that - walked away with her without even protesting or saying a thing.
The crowd around us started to disappear, until me and the boys were the only ones to stay in the hallway. The fear of losing Rye numbed me, making me completely unable to do anything besides cry.

"It's gonna be okay Andy."
"He'll be back."
"He won't leave you."
"He will." I interrupted the boys' attempt to cheer me up. "You saw him. He won't ever want to talk to me or be seem with me again." I sobbed.

I just needed this very very tiny bit of angst before the end of this book😂
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