Chapter 26 - He Died

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- Rye's POV -

I had a little bit too much to drink the night before so I woke up with a pounding headache around 1pm. I walked downstairs to see that the twins were playfighting in the kitchen with no one around.
"Alright boys, take that outside, would ya?" I said as I stumbled over to the cupboard where we kept the meds. I took an Advil and poured myself a glass of water, drinking it with the pill.

Barely 10 minutes passed after that and my phone was ringing, the sound splitting through my head like a knife. It was an unknown number so I had to pick it up.
"Am I talking to Ryan Leonard Beaumont?"
I frowned. "Who's asking?"
"I'm Dr. Boston, I work at the Charing Cross Hospital. I'm calling because your father has been brought in because his liver collapsed. And I'm sad to deliver the news that we couldn't save him."

I had to grip the counter top so I wouldn't fall as my knees gave in. I was shaking and my heart was beating faster than ever.
"He... he died?"
"Yes. I'm very sorry, Mr. Beaumont."
"No... No, no this can't happen! No!"
"Mr. Beaumont please calm down-"
"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed and hung up. I started crying, my face buried my hands. This couldn't happen, he couldn't die. That meant me and my brothers would have to go to different stupid foster families. No, I couldn't be apart from them.

"Rye?" I heard their voice. "Are you okay?"
I pulled my hands away from my face and looked down at my little brothers who were getting ready to go outside. Fuck, I had to tell them.
"Boys um... we have to go to the hospital."
"What? Why? Are you okay?"
"I... I am okay. But dad isn't."
"What's wrong?"
God I couldn't tell them he was dead. I was just unable to tell them that. "Let's go to the hospital and see, okay?"

After I got dressed as well, me and the boys left the house. We went to the hospital by bus and on the way, I called Robbie, who said he was already at the hospital.
When we arrived, Robbie was in the waiting room with Kate and we talked to the doctor who told us what happened. The twins cried real bad so I picked them up, one in both arms, to comfort them a little.

"Does that mean we will be taken away?" Shaun asked.
"You will be with your mother-" the doctor tried but I interrupted him.
"We don't have one."
"Oh... in that case I'm afraid-"
"No boys, you won't." Robbie interrupted this time. "I'm 23, me and Kate can take care of the twins. And Rye's already 18, an adult, so no one can tell him what to do."
"You want to adopt your little brothers?" the doctor asked.
"If that's the only way to keep them with us then yes."
"That's a lot of papaerwork."
"You think I care? Fuck no. We'll go to the town hall right now and do that fucking paperwork."

"What about dad?" Sammie asked. I put the twins down and crouched down to their eye level.
"Look boys, we never needed dad before, we won't need him after this either, okay? We can do this alone." I said, trying to sound brave, though my voice was shaking. The boys nodded and both of them hugged me tight. "We won't let anybody rip our family apart."

We indeed went to the town hall immediately and Robbie and Kate "adopted" us. It took hours to finish, but when we were ready, we all calmed down from the shock of the afternoon events. We went home by bus again, me and Robbie carrying the twins since they were pretty tired.

I, on the other side, wasn't tired at all. I decided to go over to Andy's, since I knew he would be able to comfort me. I didn't even call or text because I had no idea what I would say. I just told Robbie I'm leaving and headed off to the direction of the Fowler house.
I walked quickly with big steps so I was there soon. I jogged to the front door and knocked impatiently.

Andy opened the door and he looked very surprised, but smiled nonetheless.
"Rye! What are you doing here?" he asked.
I looked at him for a moment silently because I wasn't sure what to say. But the pause seemed to get longer and longer, so I just blurted it out. "My dad died."
The smile turned into a mortified look and the effect of my words hit me as well, making my heart ache. I started crying again and Andy pulled me into a hug.
"Let's go to my room." he whispered and pulled me inside and into his room.

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