Chapter 3

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"I'm hungry!" Goku yelled.

Everyone was hungry especially Gine and Goku since neither of them ate their lunch. They've been on Bulma's bike for hours and it was close to night time. Gine shifted a bit not used to sitting for so long "Can we stop? It's almost dinner time and none of us have eaten anything."

Bulma looked ahead "I guess we should stop and get ourselves fed." She parked her bike on the side of the road where a nice clearing showed.

Gine and Goku hopped off relieved to stretch themselves after sitting for so long "Yeah this looks like a good place to camp."

"No way!" Bulma told them "There's no way a delicate girl such as I could camp out in the field like this."

Goku's mother cocked her head to the side "Then what exactly are we going to do?"

"I have my capsules duh."

"Don't tell me you have a house in there!" Goku pointed to her box full of capsules "My grandpa said never to use magic unless it's to help someone."

Bulma took the largest capsule out "Well I am going to help someone."

Why do I believe it's to help you? Gine thought. She then grabbed Goku taking a few steps back remembering what the other capsule did last time.

"What's the matter scared?" Bulma asked arrogantly.

Like before there was an explosion with smoke around, but stronger than the one before. Gine and Goku looked ahead with surprise, the two looked so much alike as they stared with wide eyes and mouths agape.

Bulma walked ahead "Come on you guys."

Goku tried to get out of his mother's grasp as she started following Bulma "No wait! Don't get inside its mouth it'll eat us!"

"Thanks for the warning but it's just a house," Bulma clicked a switch from inside "See?"

The lights inside the house came on, having Goku stop his struggling, Gine placed him down by the open door as they peered inside in awe. It reminded her of the automatic light systems back on planet Vegeta. Goku never saw something like this and ran inside asking "Bulma you made it light in here while it's dark out there still!"

"It's electricity," Gine explained.

Bulma looked at the little boy "Were you transported from the Stone Age or what?" she picked up the TV remote turning it on and grinning at their innocent faces Wow they sure do resemble each other a lot when they make those silly face expressions. She then smelled something horrible "Hey what's that smell?" Bulma sniffed the two pairs Well Gine smells okay not exactly what I call a walk in the park, but I think it's Goku that smells like fish, urine, and eww I don't even want to think about it. "Ugh Goku you need a bath!"

Goku made a face and tried to run back out when Gine used her tail to grab his "Nah uh young man it's been over a week since you last showered." Her son wasn't fond of baths like she was, but if he knew how baths were rare back at Vegeta he'd probably change his mind.

"EWW!" Bulma squealed "I can't believe he hasn't bathed in over a week, I can't even last a day."

Gine smiled awkwardly at her "Yeah well he's never liked baths," Goku kept struggling "I didn't see any rivers around though."

Bulma face palmed as she pointed to the bathroom "We civilized people use what's called a bathtub," she led them in and thought if she should leave them in there, but thought better of it "Here I'll help."

Gine kept a good grip on Goku as he tried to worm himself out. She saw Bulma close the door "How are you moving that thing?"

"Hmm?" Gine followed her finger "My tail?"

A Mother's Touch (DBZ fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu