Chapter 2

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Deep in the mountains, over three hundred miles away from the closest city lived a young boy and his mother.

"Mufun," The small boy clenched his fists letting the adrenaline kick in as he stared at the piece of wood "Eyahh!" he grabbed at the heavy wood throwing it up in the air, before jumping high to the sky with his fists ready. At millimeters away he swung his fist and gave the log a hard kick breaking it into multiple parts.

He landed on the ground with ease and happily started collecting the wood and placing them under a makeshift shed "Yay, all done chopping the wood!"

"Boy I'm hungry," He sighs walking inside his tiny home "Mommy is it lunch time yet?"

With his sensitive hearing he heard her jump off the roof to the ground. She walked in dragging the broom behind her "Well are you done with your chores?"

"Ah huh." He nodded to her happily.

His mother smiled at him as she finished placing the broom away in the corner "Alright Goku we can go out after we say bye."

They both got ready for their hunt; Goku secured his power pole and Gine quickly tied her silver slippers. The two bowed down to an orange ball on top of a cushion "Papa Gohan well be leaving for a bit." Gine told it "Grandpa I'm going to get some food with mama." Goku spoke respectfully before the two left.

"What should we have today?" Goku asked his mother as she swung him around with her tail.

Gine stopped and placed Goku back on the ground "Well we had bear for breakfast." She sniffed the air wondering what's close by.

Goku followed his mother's lead and sniffed the air "I hope there's a tiger close by."

"Sorry Goku but I don't smell any nearby." She told him as she held his hand and walked further down the path till they were by a cliff.

Her son frowned before looking down "I guess we can eat fish." He then let go of her hand took a step back and jumped forward giving his mother a slight scare. She always felt her heart race when he did that, remembering when he fell down and hit his head.

She flew down following him as he grabbed onto a branch and using it to swing off, landing on a rock safely "Remind me to start teaching you how to fly." Gine knew he was still a few years too young to learn, but he was always eager to learn anything that could help him increase his power.

Goku gave her his wide smile "Will do."

The two then undressed, Goku was butt naked and his mother wore undergarments "Goku I told you to wear your underwear." She faced palm as she saw her son once again showing his tush. He laughed "But mom if we're going into the water shouldn't we get everything off so they don't get wet?"

"Oh Goku what am I going to do with you," She shook her head at him "Let's just get lunch."

The two jumped into the water looking around for a fish big enough to satisfy their hunger. Goku spotted one and tapped his mom on the shoulder, they both swam to the fish and it thinking he could take them on swam towards them. They swung a fist at the same time on opposite sides of the fish to kill him instantly.

"Wow this sure is the biggest fish we caught yet huh mom?" Goku happily dragged their meal home skipping the whole way.

"Sure is," She loved seeing him happy "I'll go up ahead and get the supplies."

Goku watched his mother fly ahead admiring how strong she is and glad that she was his mom. He knew that he wanted to grow and be as strong as her one day, which was his goal to spar alongside her and be equal. He stopped his thinking when he heard a strange noise "Huh? What's that sound?" turning around he saw something big and unknown.

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