Capítulo 32

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Once we arrived back to the castle we cuddle in my chambers. Well, our chambers now. I caught Caliban looking at me steadily.

"You know, it's rude to stare, love." I say and he snaps out of whatever thought he was having and smiles at my reference.

"I missed this. I thought I would never be in hell again, with you, like this." He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Why?" I ask him.

"It looked too much like a illusion to be real. And I wanted so bad to be real that I was afraid I was deceiving myself."

"But it's real. I'm right here with you." I assure him and he smiles. I put my head on his chest and let out a sigh.

"What are you thinking about, princess?"

"That meeting with angel Gabriel. I don't think that it will stay that way for long. I pissed out heaven."

"Well, heaven can suck it. No demon or angel will disrespect the Queen of Hell and get away with it. I swear to you." I kiss him softly in the lips.

We fall asleep snuggling in each other arms and I couldn't ask for a better way. The next morning I got myself ready to come back to the court and to my tittle as queen. I was nervous about what Lucifer may had done in my absence in hell. The plague of three kings receive me in the table and Asmodeus says the first word.

"So, the mortal queen is back."

"Yes I am. Thank you for notice that fact." I answer him. "Now that Lucifer is out of hell, we are going to proceed with my agenda before he came back."

The kings start laughing and I just keep looking at them with a frown in my face.

"Hold on, girl." Beelzebub says. "You may be back, but things changed in your dethroning."

"I wasn't dethroned, Beelzebub. Careful with your tongue or you might lose it." I warn him.

"We now answer only to King Caliban. The one who defeated Lucifer Morningstar."

"We are reigning together." I say. "Caliban and I agree on the same things."

"Oh, I doubt that. We made him, girl. He will always be cruel and a demon."

"That's not truth. We are reigning with fairness and not cruelty."

"Your orders don't mean anything to us, and we don't have to obey you, girl."

I stand up from my seat.

"Let me be clear here: or you three start understanding your place on my court, or I will get rid of you. Did I made myself clear?!"

The kings bite their tongues and whisper between them.

"You dare to treat us? We were in Hell before you were born, mortal. We will not be treated like this by someone who isn't even divine!"

"Then leave Pandemonium. You are now banned from my court, enjoy Hell, gentlemen." I say and leave the table without waiting for their answer.


"What's wrong?" Caliban asks me.

"I didn't notice how little I missed Hell's bureaucracy. I kicked out the kings off the court."

"Why did you do that, Princess?"

"They refused to follow my orders."

"That was a bold move, but you should be careful, I don't think they will leave the palace quietly. They have been here since Lucifer started reigning Hell."

"Well, I can't have a court who don't obey me."

"Then we will find another court that you do like better." Caliban kisses my hand.

"So you are not mad?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because they created you and I kicked them out. I don't know, they are the closest thing you had of a family."

"They weren't any close to a family. You are my family, Serena." I smile at his statement. He's right, the kings never showed Caliban love or caring, they were nothing like a family. We are.

When Caliban and I get ready to go have diner, I almost frozen at the person sitting on the table. Caliban putted himself in front of me and with a spell pinned our guest against the wall, choking him.

"What are you doing here, Morningstar?" Caliban asks.

"Is that how you receive all of your guests?" Lucifer smiles and Caliban chocks him harder. "Fine. I came to see my daughter."

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I want to start over with you. Be a better parent." I frown. "I'm being sincere, I want to try to be a better parent to you."

"I don't need another parent. I already have two."

"Had. You had two. You need someone to look after you."

"I already have, but thanks." I answer ironically. With one hand move Lucifer releases himself from Caliban's trap and lifts his hands, as a surrender gesture.

"I'm not here for Hell, or to take your throne, Serena. I thought about what you mother told me and she is right. Well she was always right. I haven't been a good father."

"Seriously? Try, not a father at all."

"That's fair. But I'm only asking for a change. If I do anything you don't like, you can always lock me in one cage and let me drown for all eternity." He suggests.

"This is a bad idea." Caliban whispers on my ear.

"I know." I tell him.

"Just give one chance." He plead.

"Fine. One chance, and if I don't want to see you anymore you will leave me alone."


I knew Caliban didn't agree with me, but I felt like I had to give me a chance after he begged me like that. Almost like he meant it. I am too vulnerable when it comes to family, and I am afraid Lucifer is taking advantage of that, but I have Caliban to protect me in case I am blind by my heart.

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