Capítulo 12

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After me and Sabrina used the cup's power, Roz got back to flesh. Harvey hugged her so hard that for a second I thought they will never be apart again.

"Thank you, Serena and Sabrina." Roz says.

"Anytime." I smile and she comes and hug me and Sabrina.

"I couldn't have done it without Caliban." I confess.

"What do you mean?" Sabrina frowns.

"We got stuck with Julius Caesar, and Caliban took 100 lashes to protect me. He didn't have to, but he did it anyway." I answer, still confuse about why he did it.

"You are saying that the prince of Hell, that gorgeous handmade demon man, sacrificed himself for you?" Roz eyes widened.


"Damn girl, that boy likes you." She says.

"Please." Sabrina interrupts her. "He's probably making a power move. I doubt Caliban does anything without a motive. He's probably just wanted to look good and then betray you, Serena."

"You really think that, Sabrina?" I ask, a little disappointed. Why?


"I agree with Brina." Harvey says. "I don't trust that guy." He crosses his arms.

"What about you, Theo?" I ask.

"I don't know, Serena. He did want the throne..." He looks to his feet.

"Yeah, maybe you guys are right. I'll see you soon." I leave my friends in a tornado of fire.

I arrive at my chambers and let me be swallow by my pillows.


"Rise and shine, my Queen." Lilith's voice echo's in my mind. I groan. "A rumor reached my ears that our highness saved the dirt-man. Is it truth?"

"Hum." I groan again. "What does it matter, Lilith?"

"Well, for an instant it matters because he's your enemy and you should let him die, and your reign wouldn't be threatened!" She warns me.

"He saved my life before too."

"Well, then he's as dumb as a teenager girl. Now isn't time to develop a crush, Serena!" She yells.

"I'm not crushing over him!" I mumble.

"No? Are you sure? Because letting him live, says otherwise!" Lilith is so mad at me right now.

"Well, someone should have said to you that what I was doing was getting Cesar's Cup back, to save my friends. And in between I destroyed Cesar reign on the seven circle! I showed my strength to all, and now they should fear me, because I will burn every kingdom to the ground if they turn on me! I'm the only true Queen and Hell belongs to me, and only to me. Spray the message, Lilith. They are with me, or against me." I say.

"As you please, my Queen." She bows and leaves my chambers.

"Serena are you listening?" Sabrina calls me again, but I just can't answer. "Lucifer is free, he escaped from the academy." I swallow deep.

"He's going to try to take Hell from me." I whisper, like I didn't believe it.

"You have to be prepared." Sabrina cautions me. I nod but in my core all I feel is fear. The devil is out somewhere and he's coming for me. I need to be ready to the war that's coming.

"I'll need your help, Brina. Our father won't be happy for what we did to him. We will punish us."

"I know. We need to protect our friends." She nods. We are in this together.

After we put barrier spell all over Sabrina's house, Theo's garage and the academy, my only concern keeps going towards Caliban. He wants the throne, so he's threat to Lucifer too. I need to keep him safe.

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