Chapter 7- The Dream and the Stories...

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"Sir, they are among us."

A group of men and woman are gathered in the Great Hall, talking amongst each other of recent events. Each is wearing a red cape with golden linings, and underneath, they are clothed with the planet's finest silk, bearing the Gallifreyan seal.

They sit at a rather large, formal table, with traces of circular Gallifreyan on the surface, each one holding a different prophecy.

Not one living soul, other than the few in the room, know that the meeting referring to the Favorable Five is taking place.

"We must not underestimate them," A middle aged looking woman speaks with urgency. "If we do not focus on the damage and destruction they can bring, we will fall out of power, and at the hands of the one whom we are to control."

The man sitting at one end of the table, who looks slightly older than the woman, taps a four beat rhythm on the surface, and shifts his eyes to the ancient woman across from him.

He speaks once again. "We have no reason to dread the outcome of the infamous timelords and timeladies. We only have one whom has the power, and mind, to bring down our existence, and our universe. That one, can end it all."

"But sir," says a darker skinned male. "The one who states our downfall, the one who has seen her own downfall, she is blind, sir. She has not seen the truth, but a lie."

"It is said she is forgotten, not killed at her own hand. The lost timelady of Gallifrey, the one who can end it all, who does end it all, will live on, but not as herself. She will be hidden, hidden in a way that even the timelords fear. The chosen one, Delta Cita, will be restored..."

"Demy, wake up!"

I sit up, gasping for air. A familiar figure with flaming red hair, with a Scottish accent that I have learned to recognize, leans over me, concern clear on her face.

"Are you alright?" She asks, reaching over to the nightstand and handing me a glass of water. I take a few sips before lowering the glass and clearing my throat.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine Amy." I blink a few times, trying to remember the strange images that had played through my mind. "Just had a weird dream, that's all."

Amy sits on the end of my bed. She begins to talk quietly, even though we're the only ones in the house. Rory is working late. "You've been very distant recently, is everything alright?"

I look past her and stare at the wooden door, the white paint slowly starting to peel off. The door looks completely normal, I shouldn't stare at it, there's no reason to. However, recently, I've realized that 'normal' is just another way to say something is underestimated.

I'm not sure if I should be telling Amy about the Doctor, and the Master, and the children, but she already knows the two men, and nothing can go wrong with telling her that she isn't crazy.

"Amy," I begin slowly, choosing my words carefully so I don't end up offending her. "You know those stories you told Rory, Mels, and I? The ones about the Raggedy Doctor and the Master."

She nods her head yes, curious as to where the conversation is headed. Still unsure about telling her the unbelievable stories, I back track a bit, and am nervous once again.

"Well," I drag on. "I might have met them a while back."

She stares at me as if I've grown a second head. "What?"

"Back when I didn't live here, back when I was a barmaid, I met them. Yes, I met them. The Doctor looked different, and didn't seem as childish, but it was him. I even went into their spaceship. They called it the TARDIS."

Amy grabs my wrists. "Are you telling the truth? You actually went in their spaceship? Is this a prank, did Mels set this up?"

"I'm not joking Amy," I insist. "They're real."

Her eyes light up, and she pulls me into a tight hug. She had been dreaming of the mad men returning to her backyard since she was little, and then she had grown up, leaving the stories behind. I've now told her those stories are true.

"But wait," I say, pulling her out of the hug. "There's more."

"What more can there be?"

"I met them a second time," I say with great excitement. "This time, the Doctor did have floppy brown hair and green eyes. The Master looked the same, still looking annoyed at the world. Then, there were these two children..."

And I tell her everything. I tell her about meeting the crying child when shopping for her. I tell her that I chased the child, whose name I had learned was Day, down the street. How we both saw a horrible sight. How we ran into the alley way. Meeting the men once again. Talking of time travel. Meeting Luna. I tell her every detail...

Except there is no mention of the kiss.





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