Chapter 19- The Choice of Return...

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Yes, I have just posted a very short chapter. I AM going to finish. I promise. I just haven't had time to write recently. Yes, I just wrote this right before publishing it. Sorry for any mistakes!


--3rd Person P.O.V--

The TARDIS crew sit scattered around the console room, still missing one from their group. A ghostly whisper of regret is just barely visible on everyone's faces, as each individual is trying to hide their emotions.

They are waiting. What they're waiting for is unknown to the universe. The universe is surprisingly quiet, although humans and other beings alike are unaware of why such silence exists at this time.

A mysterious man looks down at the figures from above, in a faraway place, the location unknown to every atom that circulates in the cycle of matter. Not many have visited the secret palace; most who do are men who serve him. Not many have met man in person, as it is a great honor to meet him. Cita is one of the few that have. He has helped Cita through her life, but very rarely visited her. Instead, he would put her through tests, life lessons that would help her in her situation. However, their current situation is different.

"They do care for you very much." The man addresses the figure standing in the doorway behind him without turning the slightest bit. "You can see it in their eyes, Cita."

Cita approaches her fellow Wolf in a respectful way. She stands beside him, and sees the picture of the console room, just as he does. She sees the sadness in her friend's eyes and can sense the fear of loss surrounding them. "If I go back something will go wrong. They'll be safer without me."

The man finally turns to look at her. "If you don't go back, the whole universe could go wrong. They could all be in danger."

Cita takes in a breath. "I loved it; Living as Demy, living a normal, human life. It was amazing. I had friends who cared for me and they didn't want anything from me."

"You always have had those friends. You just don't want to admit it." He holds his hand out towards Cita, gesturing for her to take it. "So, are you going to return to your universe? Are you going to return to the TARDIS?"


Yup, it's short af. Sorry. I'll make sure the next one is longer. This is chapter 19, so I'm guessing this book will have about 25 chapters total. I don't know when the next chapter will be posted, but I'll try to make it soon.

On a happier note, I got a tumblr. Wellll, I've always had a tumblr, but I made a new one. My url name is alien-rose-buds so if you wanna stalk my fail gifs, you can.

Hope you liked this short update. Does anyone else think this new typing set up on here is weird? It seems strange to me. Oh well...

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