Chapter 18- The Remaining Three...

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A brother, a lover, a friend. Memories surface again. A brother, a lover, a friend. These three soon bring the final, the end.


"You miss it, don't you?" The TARDIS. Not the TARDIS I'm currently traveling part time in with the others, but the TARDIS I grew up knowing. The TARDIS from my universe, the one owned by a future version of the Doctor. My father...

"Should be expected, shouldn't it?" I turn to see a blonde woman, maybe in her mid twenties. She stands on the glass flooring, her hand gently stroking the console, as if she were comforting herself. "Why am I dreaming this?"

She smiles lightly. "Because you do. You miss it, ever so slightly. You know you shouldn't, but you can't help it." She pauses, looking as if she is debating with herself. "Are your memories keeping you from trusting the man in my universe?"

"No," I exclaim, not entirely telling the truth. "I mean, sometimes I wonder, what could have made such a difference? And then I remember, you didn't exist in my universe. You were never there, in that Doctor's childhood to befriend him, to help him."

"The Doctor doesn't need my help. He simply wants it." Her eyes look exceptionally dull as she says this, making me wonder where all of her youthful humor disappeared to.

"The Doctor does need you," I insist. "We need you. We all need you."

She stares blankly. "What do you need me for?"

I blink twice before answering. "We don't need you for anything. We need you to hope again. To trust us."

"Can I?" She wanders around the console, continuously studying the exceptionally different TARDIS. "Can I trust you?"

I nod slowly. "Yes. You can trust us. We will never intentionally let you down.

"And yet what if I do to you? What if I let you down intentionally?" Her eyes are dark, and I see self hate from deep within.

I've known Cita for a very long while, and I know for a fact she will never purposely hurt any of her friends. "You wouldn't."

This time, she nods, but the dangerous look in her eyes still remains. "Very well. If you could send the Master, this time around. I would like to speak with him next. All the same, don't answer any questions, or reveal anything."


"Do you regret it? Taking the lives of the innocent and putting many in danger of death."

After taking in my surroundings, I turn to the blonde figure I know is Cita. Her eyes look exceptionally dark, as if her mind is set on danger and destruction. Her question is not one to answer easily.

"Most of the time," I answer truthfully. "Most of the time I think about how many I harmed. How many didn't deserve to be harmed. But then again, I think deep down inside me, either everyone deserves to he harmed or no one does."

"I don't deserve anything." Cita says, her voice flat with little emotion. "Nobody deserves anything."

I study her carefully. She looks like she's doubting herself. She shouldn't be doubting herself. Not after what happened in the past. "You deserve the best, Cita. You were always there for Theta and I. We need you." I take a deep breath in, preparing myself to say such powerful words. "We love you."

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