Chapter 5- The Crying Child...

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Life has been as normal as I ever think it will be. I've been back from the TARDIS for a few months now, and it's wonderful. I've moved to the English village Leadworth, and while I had to quit my job as a barmaid and say goodbye to Raiden, I now get to hang out with one of my new best friends, Amy.

Living with Ms. Amelia Jessica Pond has been amazing. It turns out that she's actually the Scottish red head that Mels, mine and Raiden's friend, hangs out with when she's out of town visiting 'old friends.'

Then, there's Rory Williams, the 'man' of our group and Amy's soon to be husband. Their wedding is approaching, and I've happily been invited. Mels isn't going, she's not a wedding person.

It's the perfect life with me, Amy, Rory, and Mels. What could possibly be the one thing that I ponder about everyday I continue to breath?

"The Raggedy Doctor, the Master, and Amelia Pond."

The thoughts of two madmen with a time machine disguised as a big blue box still race through my mind, and Amy's as well.

Sometimes, I do worry about them. I think that, once I'm gone, they won't return to find we for a while, or ever. But that's okay. We all change, I just hope they're not alone.

"Demy," the familiar Scottish accent fills the house as she shouts from downstairs. "I need you to get something from the shops for me."

I mentally roll my eyes, seeing Amy as the annoying little sister that you can't help but love.

"Yeah, alright," I shout back, beginning to grab the belongings I need to go out.

Eventually, after pulling a grey scarf over my head, I make it out the front door, list in hand, heading towards the shops. Why Amy couldn't just go out herself is unknown to me, but since we're friends, I just roll with it.

I hurry down the streets, crossing sidewalks and passing by acquaintances. While I continue, I count the number of steps on my way. I've always done this. I've never known why. The counting of the number of steps it takes to get to my destination makes me feel as if my destination is important. I know, I'm just heading to the shops to get some things for Amy, but something important happens every chance you agree with yourself to let one happen.

Basically I got bored one day, and it stuck with me.

Upon arriving at the shops, I hurry my behind through the multiple buildings that Amy has required me to search through. I understand why Amy asked me to go. Shopping itself is a workout.

Holding my shopping bags, after walking a million miles, finding the shops I needed to find, realizing that everything Amy needed was stupid, buying said stupid things, and finding my way back to the exit, I remember that I had walked.

Sighing, I get a tight hold on the extremely fragile handles of my bags, and begin to slowly walk towards the house.

Not long after beginning my journey home, I come to a halt. Feeling something strange in my presence, I spin around, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

And then I see it.

So is this how it works you two? We never interfere with other peoples or planets, unless there's children crying...

The voice echo's inside my head as I look across the street, seeing the small child crying silently. Usually, I would feel bad for the kid, but continue on my way home until I arrive, then I would travel back here to see if he was still there. However, the voice has changed my mind, as it's not a strangers voice, but Amy's.

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