Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven

          Envy?! I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t believe it. I knew this would happen; Principal Sanders told me about it ahead of time, so I had time to prepare, but nothing could prepare me for this moment. I couldn’t believe he was dead, and I couldn’t believe the way he was killed. It… It just hurt me so much. A tear fell from my left eye, slowly gliding down my cheek.

          I shined my phone – which I had previously tried to use to text and call Envy several times over the past few days only to be ignored – light on the hung body and noticed a note in the shirt pocket. The note was the part I couldn’t believe the most. The entire piece of parchment was blank except for the name signed at the bottom, which read ‘Envy.’ My boyfriend had killed my ex, and thinking of him as a murderer really hurt me, but I knew it wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t in control.

          I look into Hesh’s lifeless face and I start to realize how serious the situation is. Turning Envy back wasn’t going to be that easy. And to make matters worse, I pretty much didn’t even have a plan! I had previously come up with a couple of ideas and ran them over with Blade, and he thought they were really good. But were they good enough?!

          Basically, my first idea was the most obvious. Try to turn him back with love. It worked in all the movies. Love is said to be the strongest emotion, so strong it can’t be broken. If he loved me enough he would be able to fight off the evil within himself.

          What happened if that didn’t work? Like, what if he didn’t have the same love for me like in the movies since he didn’t know what love was. Well, my second idea was the least thought out, but still seemed reasonable enough to have the possibility of working. If I ever encountered Envy while he was sleeping, I could sneak the calculator away from him and then figure out a way to destroy it. If the calculator were to be destroyed all the evil would be destroyed also. I was sure of that almost a hundred percent.

          And then my third idea was to make something up on the spot, because creating a plan to turn back someone who was ‘evil’ when you haven’t talked to the person to see how ‘evil’ they are is kinda impossible. It’s like studying for a test in a class when you don’t even know what class it is. The only thing that could happen now was waiting to find him. But waiting was pointless. We had to finish the quest by tomorrow or we’d lose the game. Sometimes patience isn’t a virtue.

          Suddenly, as if my mind has been read, a voice behind me says, “Christina.” I jolt not expecting anyone to be behind me, but my nerves relax at the sound of the voice belonging to Envy. “It’s been a few days. I can see you haven’t changed much. How do you like what I did to Hesh? He kinda deserved it. Wasn’t much help to me this quest anyw ways.”

          “Envy. I…” I thought so many times what I was going to say to him, but all the thoughts were erased from my memory as soon as I saw him. What was I going to say? “Why did you kill him?”

          I listened as Envy laughed at me. “Do you listen at all? I said he wasn’t much help to me on this quest. Like I had no use for him anymore. So I killed him. I never realized how good it felt to steal another’s life. It’s almost better than fresh air.”

          The sound of footsteps come from my left which was Envies right. A few seconds later, the outline of a person becomes visible through the moonlight. The person, not seeing Envy or I, runs and stumbles down in front of me. Getting up, she realizes I’m there and says, “You… You… You have… gotta help… help me it’s… chasing me…” I recognize her as one of the girls from the desert.

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