Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

          Just before it gets the chance to shoot me, an arrow protrudes from its own chest. The demon elf falls face forward to the ground, lifeless, crushing its bow under its weight. Someone had shot it from behind. But who? I was scared. Whoever could kill that thing could probably do a lot worse to me. I try to crouch lower behind the John Deer to hopefully stay hidden.

          In through the door emerges a person, holding a bow smaller than the one the elf held. He or she is wearing skin tight red pants, an oversized shirt, and a mask, so I can’t determine the gender. He or she is only about five feet tall, compared to my height of five feet, ten inches.

          “Aww, you’re so cute hiding over there,” she says, and I’m only able to tell she’s a girl from her voice.

          “Stay back, I’m warning you. I have a black belt in Kung Fu,” I lie to her.

          She steps closer to me and says, “Oh I forgot about my mask. I like to wear this for dramatic effects.” Tearing off her mask – one with the face of an evil clown – and dropping it to the ground, I notice who she is. No way. It’s not possible. Everything today is so weird. My mind can’t even understand what’s going on.


          “You guessed it. Here let me help you up.” She steps towards me offering her hand.  I gab it – noticing her bright red nails – and let her pull me up.

          “What… Wait... How... Why? When?” I can barely even form a sentence I’m so shocked, but thankfully she helps me out.

          “Ha-ha,” she laughs at me. “You’re so adorable when you’re afraid.”

          “I’m not afraid! I was just about to body slam that demon elf to the ground,” I say trying to sound manly to impress her. I still don’t get it, why was she here? Why, and what, was going on today?

          “Ha-ha,” she laughs again. The light at the inner top of the dome goes completely out. It wouldn’t come back on until tomorrow. “I bet you have a lot of questions, but we don’t have much time. That necklace you have, that’s called a Dream Nightmare. You can’t take it off until you beat all four quests. Right now we’re on the first quest.”

          “We? And what’s the first quest? What-“

          She cut’s me off, laughing, and says, “Don’t worry, everything will be alright. As you know, I’m Christina, and I’m your protector. That Dream Nightmare brings something from your nightmare to life at a random time on the Friday following Wednesday night. Each quest has something to do with what your dream nightmare brings to life.”

          “Protector?” I ask. That’s pretty much all I want to know about.

          “Yes, I can’t tell you more on the subject of why I’m you’re protector. I’m literally bound on what I can and can’t tell you. But I can say that the first quest has started, and I am able to know what the quest is as soon as your nightmare comes to life.”

          “Alright,” I reply. I’m speaking to Christina. I’m actually speaking to her. Oh my God! Wow, this is extremely hard. I get butterflies in my stomach just looking at her. Then I think of Hesh. It hurts. It’s probably better if I don’t bring that up to her. Instead I say, “Well, what’s this first quest?”

          “The first one is easy. We have to get to Greenville high school – it’s outside the dome, I already know where - and find a golden bow. Then, we have to use it to shoot a giant demon elf, which can only be killed by the golden arrow.”

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