Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

          It’s Friday now, and I’ve already told Christina everything about my dream. We decided that something about a dragon would come to life today, though we aren’t sure. I never told her anything about Hesh being in my nightmare and killing me, because I was almost one hundred percent certain he would not have anything to do with the next quest. It had to be something with dragons, I just knew it.

          We’re at the beach right now, waiting. At any given time, something from my nightmare was going to attack us. Christina doesn’t know the quest yet, so we do know for certain that, as of now, my nightmare has not become reality. Any second now…

          Her pink bathing suit, with matching nails, was turning a lot of heads in our direction. She definitely has her pick of what guy she wants, because they all seem to want her.

          “It happened,” she says.

          “What?” I look at her but I can’t find the confidence to look into her eyes.

          “The quest just popped into my head. That means something from your nightmare has come to life.” She looks around. Directly in front of us is the water – she likes to sit close to it – and behind us there is a bunch of other people lying out in the sand, tanning like we are.

          “Well what does the quest say?”

          “It says we have to defeat something, I don’t know what, but then once we defeat it, it will disappear and a map will be in its place. The map will lead us to a stone that is the source of all dragons’ power. We must destroy the stone to defeat all the dragons.”

          “So dragons are what’s coming to life from my dream… Well, you said we have to defeat something to get the map. Do you think it’s one of the dragons?”

          “The quest doesn’t say anything more, except that the map is water proof, fire proof, and completely indestructible. Though, I assume what we have to defeat is a dragon. Hash tag team Envy and Christina!”

          Suddenly, before I can ask any more questions, something blue shoots out of the water in front of us and flies high into the sky, then rockets back down, and lands to our left. It looks like a manta ray, with four legs under it and two huge wings. A long, giant tail protrudes from the back of its body, resembling the tail of a shark. In the front, two small heads stick out, each with almost a hundred rows of teeth. It was a dragon, and it wanted us dead.

          “I think I figured out what we have to defeat to get the map,” I gulped.

          “Well, I know what we have to defeat,” Christina says as we both get up to run.  

          “There’s no way we can defeat that thing, it’s huge compared to us!” Stupid, Envy. Why did you say that? You’re supposed to be trying to impress her.

          “Aww, you’re adorable. But we defeated all those demon elves, so I know we can defeat this one dragon. Hashtag team Envy and Christina!” she says. “We have to try to run from it until we can figure out a way to take it down!

We run in the direction opposite the water. There’s a stretch of the beach, parallel to the water, that the law prohibits people from walking on; it is sea turtle nesting grounds. There is one wooden bridge that leads across the nesting grounds, and we quickly run across it, the dragon flying right behind us.

On the other side of the bridge I yell, “Christina, look!” I’m pointing towards the pier to our right, which stretches out over the water for three thousand feet until it ends. At the beginning of the pier is the pier bar – where they sell this drink that’s only for old people – that is built on stilts.

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