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I buried myself into the thick fall even deeper, my interior bleeding out all down the immaculate. Ruining the beautiful, fluffy white snow with my disgusting red. The wolves have left me, and so did the Man. He had died too I think, You couldn't tell - he had gone blue not too long ago, but I didn't actually care for him. There were teeth marks deep in my skin, sending a pleasurable sensation spread through my veins since my blood was running out.

I looked up at the mansion, laughing manically. They were in for a surprise soon. They were all gonna find out my secret, and then they'll be sorry. Sadly, the first part of my precious secret would never be told. They would never know that I was still alive and well, if you could call what I was alive. They thought they had the real girl in that precious little mansion. But I stood right here, watching my fake Replica steal my identity.

 I laughed again. And they thought I was a good, weak human. Every single one of those words were false. But that THEY didn't know.



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