CHAPTER 9 - How to survive the Trials: for Dummies.

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Violet's P.O.V.

I studied the faces of all the 19 other girls in the huge living room, sprawled out on sofas or lying on the fluffy blue carpet. I bit my nail, terrified, but Rose, Dawn, Xandra and Heidi came over to comfort me. I was so  extremely scared. Even Xandra wasn't so anxious even though the two of us were napped at the same time. I was introduced to everyone, and i'd made a few new friends. (Heidi, Axel, another newb named Emily, who I thought needed help, and most of the Pastas. Masky had been considerably warmer to me, and I though maybe what Xandra had said could be true. But I never knew what to say in front of his face - or mask.) My hands broke into a sweat and i kept blushing and my tongue formed no words.

Did I like him? I dunno, just - he talks to me with the kindest and sweetest of voices. Just hearing his husky, sexy voice sent delicious shivers down my spine. Yesterday, we bumped into each other on a flight of stairs, and being the clumsy killer he was - tripped over my converse and sent it flying. He caught it and kneeled with it in front of me, and I just wanted to tear the mask off then and there. "Don't stay up too late Cinderella." He grinned flirtatiously. Then Masky stood up and leaned in, and I swear I almost melted into a puddle right then and there. His head dipped to mine and his soft lips grazed my ear gently. "Now go take that sexy ass to bed, Vi." I couldn't spit out a quick, sarky comeback because I was so struck with shock.

Slender walked in wearing his suit as usual, and sat in front of all the girls in a plush teal armchair, before beckoning everyone to start getting ready for The Choosing. The Proxies and rest of the Creepy Pasta's hung around the door - probably too scared they'd be whipped one mentally if Slenderman thought they did something wrong. I have to admit - he wasn't THAT bad.. I took a deep breath and chewed my lip, lost in thought. I must've done SOMETHING wrong during Slender's Trial! I can sense it. Ugh, I just wish I had some little guide book - How to survive the Trials: for Dummies.

All the other Pastas finally plucked up the courage to swarm around Slender Man, and he looked about ready to start, but my eyes were on Axel who ran ddown the marble spiral staircase and flopped down furiously beside me. "What's wrong?" I whispered frantically. She had red marks all over where she'd most probably been tugging her hair in vain. "Nothing" She whispered back in a flat tone. Something was definitely up. But there was no time to decipher what as we all clmped together - ready to hear Slendy's speech.


A/N: Slender's finally going to explain everything! Read on... x (:  

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