CHAPTER 12 - Training.

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Rinwana's P.O.V.

"WHY!!!!!!!!" I screamed in frustration as the bullet went completely off target. I WAS SO FRIGGIN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I slammed the gun back in all my anger and flopped down furiously, watching the other selected people attempt the training. Jeff and Ben were patrolling these areas, helping out people who needed helping out. (Basically everyone.) I sighed and studied my nails instead. Life had gone increasingly downhill for me here. Jeff came over suddenly, his wide open eyes glaring down at me as I sunbathed lazily against the flattened green grass. "Need any help?" He asked but I just gave him a look and shooed him away.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't train, it was just too hard. I was going to die anyway, it was kind of obvious the way I was going so far with the gun. My back for a moment pressed into something sharp. When I picked it up, I saw it was a shattered, broken mirror piece. I held the shard, examining my features.

A pale, troubled expression on a perfectly ordinary face. For some reason, radish colour waves of hair enclosing that face - I should find that weird, Imma blonde! yet here I am looking the total rebel. My glass green eyes flash back at me, rimmed with eyeliner and piercing. I had been crying all day yesterday, so the make-up had run and now they looked smoky and scary: I liked the look. I waggled my tongue at the mirror, and the dangerous looking girl waggled hers back. I was stuck in a chain of pulling funny faces to myself until a tall, shadowy figure towered over me.

I coughed politely. "Excuse me, you're kinda overshadowing my view of the sky, please get lost and leave me alone." I heard the appreciative chuckle from way above and suddenly flushed. No way!

"So, It's Voldemort's cousin, come to apologise for kidnapping me? Or to torture me one? Go ahead, I am not one who's SCARED." I rolled over so I was peering at the lush green grass, then swung myself up, landing on my two feet.

Slender Man sighed. "I do wish people would stop judging me like that, I did what I had to do, the past is the past, and that cannot be changed. All I actually came to ask was if you needed any help, but since you don't..." He folded his arms over and I looked closely at the face. If you looked close enough, you could interpret the sculpting of where the eyes should be, and the mouth. Two nostrils flared as those "eyes" scrutinized my flaws, probably trying to read my mind.

He then turned to leave. "I shall see you round, I hope?" I just simply shrugged but he took that as a yes. "Good luck then Rinwana, I do hope you accomplish the First Task with ease on Saturday." He stalked off, probably to give Jeff a stern scolding for flirting with that Xandra girl. You could tell they both liked each other.

Violet and Dawn, gossiping as per usual, picked up a gun beside me and smiled. I really couldn't  be assed to smile back so I just gave them both a nod and carried on staring at my reflection. Then I noticed the electric blue and blonde in Violet's hair, plus the strangely tiger-like reds and flame yellows kinks in Dawn's waves. "You're  not the only ones," I smirked, and pointed to the plum perched on my head. I had grown fond of Violet, I didn't know Dawn to judge whether I liked her or not, because she was always with Axel, or Rose or someone. Violet was determined to make friends with me, no matter how annoying I found her at first. I started to realise she was a lot of fun and I really DID need to find more friends - I wasn't back at school anymore - not the popular .

I was fond of everyone. But I just didn't know what to feel and how to act. Because inside, I was just too frozen and confused. Maybe even broken.

Rose's P.O.V.

I dodged Rinwana's hip as she edged past, looking tougher than ever with now beetroot hair and a scowling face. I ambled over to the guns and picked one up. I felt comforted as I wrapped my hands around it, closing my eyes. Then I heard Ben's voice from behind me, tickling my ear.

"Need any help with that?" came his adorable voice. "Oh, yes please." I replied almost instantly, then I realised how quick I was to answer that. "I mean, sure, whatever." He chuckled and wrapped his warm hands round mine, snaking them towards the gun. He propped up my arms, so my fingers were held in all the right places and he stepped back once I was ready. It felt extremely awkward with my crush just standing there, gawping at me, so I guess now was the time to impress him.

My shaking hands found the trigger, and I aimed for the target. I had never ever done this before, but maybe this was just like archery? I held the aiming glass to my left eye, praying I hit the centre of the Target held on the board before me, taking a deep breath. 

 thought to myself. I have to either kill or be killed. I can do this. Just like a simple plastic Nerf Gun. I held the trigger, my heart pounding in my chest. Finally I let go.IT HIT THE CENTRE! Okay, almost the centre. Just about a few millimetres out otherwise I would have had it. But that didn't stop me wrapping my arms around Ben and giving him a tight hug before craning my neck down to peck him on the cheek.

We both broke apart laughing. "Well done!" Said Ben chirpily. "Now let's do that again."I pressed my finger into my dimple, pretending to be lost in thought, "What do you mean... the shooting, or the kiss on the cheek?" He just smiled flirtatiously. "The one that matters, obviously."


A/N: You got to admit, that was kind of cute. Rose has her FLIRT ON. Will they get together? And do you think Emily's going to survive?

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