CHAPTER 4 - Axel

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Dawn's P.O.V.

I jerked awake, gasping for breath. What the hell just happened? My breathing was heavy and hoarse, and I tried to collect my thoughts together. Seriously - what happened? I was in a very comfy bed (trimmed with grey lace and velvet), that much I knew.

I heard a loud THWACK! every so often, which caused me to sit up  curiously. The walls were covered with floral black wallpaper and, like, three small crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There was nothing much in here except a large mirror wardrobe and another bed identical to mine on the opposite wall. The owners must be real fancy. I thought.

I suddenly remembered the annoying noise and looked up to notice a girl continuously chucking knives above my bed, where there were several dart targets. I should be screaming at her, but a) I couldn't find my voice, and b) I was too intrigued by her appearance.

The girl had a dark shock of hair styled into a Pixie haircut - shaved on one side but with a thick dark fringe shadowing her face a little. She was extremely tall and tanned, with big sparkling pink eyes and an angry pout. Also, she was wearing a way-too-large blue hoodie and stained Combats. She would have made a stunningly pretty supermodel if it weren't for the peculiar dress sense and the eyepatch wrung around her left eye. The visible eye looked straight at me, dark and mysterious."W-what am I doing here? Why am I... whoa. Who the hell are you?" " I mumbled angrily. Angry because I just couldn't recollect on how I got here and why. All she did was nod and went back to killing the wall. I couldn't help it. "What's with the eyepatch?" I blurted out before quickly covering my mouth in shame. After all the weird events events that happened today, I had to ask the most annoying one -  I should seriously just hang myself on one of these chandeliers right now. I don't deserve to live when i ask such questions. But she replied with a slight but light French accent "Injury - and why is none of your business, so stop nosing, will you?"

"I'm Dawn by the way, Dawn Stanley. Why am I here? Please. I don't mean to cause any trouble, I just - " Me and my stupid overpowering emotions. I felt the first tear, and then I couldn't stop, until I almost had an emotional breakdown from crying. The girl rolled her visible eye and sighed. She stuck her hand out in greeting and spoke with that hint of soft french accent. "It's okay. I am Axel De Le Mort." I accepted her delicate hand, but that delicate hand managed to yank my whole self against the wall and the other hand pressed a knife to my chest. I felt the cold edge and it made me shudder.

"Listen carefully Dawn. It's kind of obvious you're new around here. Pull yourself together and quit the crying or else Slender will have no choice but to kill you. The only way to get out of this mess - SURVIVE. Capiche?"

I swallowed, feeling like such a baby. "C-capiche. What do you mean, survive? What do you - hang on... Slender as in THE Slender Man? No. Nonono." I was about to burst into tears again but chose wisely and instead, ended up lost in thought.  Eventually she loosened her grasp completely, maybe anxious about something. "We better hurry up for Dinner. They might... I don't know." She let go and, clutching a different knife, floated out of the room.

I was so very confused presently. So i just followed Axel De Le Mort out of the door.

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