CHAPTER 2 - The first Kidnap

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Dawn's P.O.V

I shivered as the warm water gushed through my now sodden hair. My parents were out, and I was home alone which meant I had the whole big house to myself. I never had this privilege, so I decided to take a shower before making the most of it.

The bathroom had smelt strange - a strange odour overpowered the room, and I squinted as I swear to god there was a blurry face behind the shower curtain.

All of a sudden, the lights burned out, and I was swallowed by darkness. My breathing came to a halt as I re-collected my thoughts in the dark and tried to suss things out. So there was a power-cut, big deal. I took a deep, shaky breath and the water lapping at my ankles grew cold. That was kind of unexpected, and kind of cliché.

After binding a towel tightly across my body, I was about to step out of the shower stall when the lights flickered on again. "Great!" I say sarcastically to no one in particular.

Oh well. I decided to hop back into the shower, and finish what I started before my phone suddenly alerted me with a text. That's funny, because I was pretty sure I had switched it off right before I got into the shower...through my slippery fingers, a message from an unknown caught my eye.

I bet that scared you, honey x

I dropped it in shock. How did this person know - ? No one was in sight. I cast a worried glance over at the French window beside the shower-stall, and no one could have been able to see that.Turning on the shower head, water spurted out again and I regained washing my hair - well, right until the water just stopped. My mind raced as I tapped the head furiously. Why the hell did it just stop? Suddenly, I didn't feel so sure about this whole home-alone thing.

Then on the spur of the moment, it was on again. The shower head sprayed my face with warm water, but with a gasp of absolute terror I discovered it wasn't water. But blood.

Blood gushed over my face and the metal taste filled my mouth. It was warm, and gross and I almost choked on it.  My shock eventually wore off, and I started to scream and scream though it didn't make much of a difference. "HELP! SOMEBODY - " I silently begged for anyone to be there with me. The white fluffy towel I had wrapped around myself became sodden with dark blood, and I carried on screaming until my voice was hoarse.

Now with drying blood sprayed over my face and hair, it finally became normal water again. The white marble ground was also spattered with a deep maroon.

Another message on my phone from Unknown again.

Someone's had a little bit of an accident!

I didn't know what made me do it - maybe it was the fact that I had enough of this creepy business - that feeling someone was there with me. I typed back furiously.

WTF is wrong with you?! Who are you?

What was even scarier was the fact that he replied in a matter of seconds.

I'm anyone you want me to be, Dawn. But if it makes things any easier - you may recognise me from those dreams. Are you having any dreams at night? About a mansion and us scary psychos? I covered MY mouth with surprise, not actually expecting that. do know about the dreams?

Maybe we're just smarter than you think. I know you can't see me, and you don't know who I am, but it's better for if you just accept your fate and let us take you. Should you choose to make things difficult...

Again. The lights flickered wildly, and I squealed with fright. my dark, blood-stained hair fell in straggly clumps around my not-very-comely face as I eyed the scene with horror. One of the lights above my head bust, and a million sparks of pure electricity shot in all directions. That was the last straw.

"What the hell do you want? LEAVE ME ALONE!" I literally screamed. With the bloody towel clutched to her skin, my body obeyed my mind by sliding down against the wall and curling into a ball, eyes wide and unblinking - filled with terror and dread.

I regretted looking in the full-length mirror propped against the wall. When I looked into it, there stood a pale man in an orange hoodie and scruffy jeans, he had a shock of dark hair but the most unforgettable thing about the man was that he wore a white, expressionless mask shielding his face. He was standing right behind me, just out of the shower stall.

I couldn't help it at all - when I turned to look behind me, no one was there and this made me scream even more.

"Please, don't... I, I haven't done anything. I - " I started to break into sobs, but not enough that the freak could be satisfied with it.My hands had taken over and furiously began attempting to writhe in his grip, but without the success. "I'm - I will go and call the Police right now. WHO ARE YOU?" I started to shake uncontrollably.

"Someone HELP ME! HEL-" Suddenly I was cut off as suddenly a cold, gnarled hand wrapped tightly around my mouth so I couldn't speak and couldn't even crane my head to bite off the psycho's hand. I somehow found myself furiously attempting to writhe and squirm in the steel grip, minus success.

"Shut up." He snapped, and yanked my wet hair back. In surprise, I let out a muffled shriek and the man sighed, and slammed my head into the blood-stained, marble wall.


Suddenly, Dawn could see multi-coloured blots dance over her vision. For some reason though, she felt like the guy was going gentle on her. She took a deep breath and shut up like as asked and the man seemed obviously pleased.

"Thank you for not making it too difficult." His voice was cold and muffled by the mask, he dipped his hand into his jean-pocket and pulled out a scrunched-up piece of paper, which he chucked on the bathroom floor. Dawn had to use every last bit of willpower which remained within her not to fight back, because she knew things would definitely not turn out too good if that happened.

Never would she have expected the guy to plunge a syringe deep into her sin though. The pain was quick and sharp, but the numbness began to take over her veins and she felt sleepy all too suddenly.

She felt the cool liquid seep within her bones, a tingling, lazy sensation jolting through her body like electricity.

And then she blacked out.


A/N: So who's this masked guy then? Creepy Pasta lovers, you get me (: But where will Dawn be taken to? x 'til next time x

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