CHAPTER 16 - Secrecy.

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Rose's P.O.V.

I ambled down the marble corridor, utterly lost. All the oak doors engraved with gold looked the exact same to me, and everywhere I went seemed to be deserted! After three fruitless circuits along the same location, I gave up - until I saw a room door left wide open.

I tiptoed in, surrounded by sheets of paper drifting to the floor, tables were thrown to the side, the lightbulb was barely attached to the thread anymore...My eyes widened to an extreme as I saw the person creating such a mess. She sat, rifling through a silver filing cabinet, searching for something.

Olive-skinned and tall wiith almond eyes and a layer of dark hair cloaking her face, Sakura Chang pulled out a file, smirking. I shouldn't have just stood there like an idiot though, because she saw me a couple of seconds later.

"What are you DOING here?" She asked, positively alarmed. "You do know this place is off-limits, right?" She should've thought over what she was going to say. "Why are YOU here then? I just ended up lost - no harm in that... If you knew it was forbidden to come here, then why are you mooching around hmm?" She blushed, clutching the blue folder into her chest. "I was here, Eyeless Jack's orders. It's none of your business anyway." She streaked past me, and vanished down the end of the corridor before I could ask where to go. I always thought she was NICE, humph.

I walked into the world war three battlefield, picking out anything interesting enough that would be needed so importantly by Sakura. I climbed over a half-broken chair and waded on over to the old cabinet. When I rummaged through, I picked the first file out, pulling out the piece of paper wedged inside violently, like the person was in a rush to stuff it back in. A map falled out of one of the many blocks to the mansion. I folded that and stored it away for safe-keeping. No harm in knowing where to go to get to the living room next time, instead of ending up in a trashed room which looked like a unicorn wiith rabies threw up. I emptied the folder clear of its contents - and gasped.

Name: Violet Elizabeth Harper.

Appearance: Long dark waves, brown eyes, tanned, tall, annoying.

Wait, annoying wasn't under Appearance!? Who am I kidding... Why was Sakura trying to look through Violet's folder? And how do they even HAVE folders for us? That's just.........Creepy - oh wait, now I get the name.

There was everything about her listed here - a photo, her address, even her school timetable. When I said creepy, that was an understatement. I actually meant. SO FUCKING UNBELIEVABLY CREEPY THEY KNOW FUCKING EVEYRTHING ABOUT US HOW FREAKING SCARY IS THAT?So, they were STALKING us? That was just too wrong! All those times I felt like I was being watched, in my bedroom through the window......I shuddered. Now the flash of Zelda suit makes sense as well...

As if I had conjured him up, Ben leaned back coolly against the door entrance, smirking. "Wow Rose - I had always thought you were a good little girl! This place is forbidden to enter, you know that right/" I raged. I just couldn't help myself.. I mean, how often do you get the privelege of screaming your head off at a midget - small and defenceless - especially a gorgeous midget: For example, Ben Drowned. So yeah, I TOTALLY raged.

"Don't you DARE tell anyone that I came up here to...stalk Vi, because I didn't okay? Just leave me alone.. I got lost, and..." He walked up and placed a finger to my lips. This was quite difficult for him as he was about half my size and would have had to stand on a chair if he wanted to be as tall as me.

"I get it, no need to panic. Yo were stalking peeps - we all do it some time or another!"

But I WASN'T - "

"Can it, hottie. No need to make up an excuse. I promise not to tell anyone. Or even think about it - for Sledner's sake. So don't faff around about it, 'kay?" I gave him a dopey smile, suddenly feeling like sunshine. "Whoa, for a cute, shy girl like you - I'm surprised you can have such bloody female mood swings and the crushing strength of an anaconda." He half-wheezed as I squeezed his guts out in a hug. I let go instantly, blushing. "Soz, just happy the cute guy's not a grass." Ben's smile grew even wider. "Oh, you think I'm cute? Then you must assist me on a walk through the fields." He grinned and dragged me down the corridors - I still couldn't be bothered to discover how to find the way out. I was just too busy staring into the eyes of a male angel's goddamn sexy face. If blood-red eyes can count as being angel eyes - wait, that makes him have a goddamn sexy DEMON'S face, right?

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