Dream House

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Rose's P.O.V.

I'm falling through darkness, engulfed by black. Dragged down into nothing.

Then suddenly, i'm lying on a couch, it's bright and my head aches. Where are the friggin painkillers when you need them? A pale but bloody face with no eyelids and thick dark hair looks down at me,  (For some reason, I call him Jeff - like the name just popped up in my head or something.) I don't feel relieved though. You can tell by the scary, wild expression glazing over his eyes means something definitely is wrong - he's high on something. Probably Cocaine.

The image flickers and I see a whole group of them. That Guy, blue masked person with gunk coming out of his empty eye sockets, a cute midget with tufty blonde hair in a link costume, a tall tentacle guy. But I've played the game, and i know his name is Slender man. All four of them examining me.

Then I'm in a blinding white room, lying against an operating table. A masked figure, a hooded figure with no face and gleaming red eyes, and a laughing boy with a long wooden nose lean against the door. And the Eyeless one darts forward clutching a scalpel. The blade touches my bare skin on my neck and  I hear a scream, and it must be coming from my own mouth because I

wake up screaming and gasping for breath. Just a dream. I tell myself. Just a damned nightmare. But who has the same nightmare repeated every single night, again and again, and again?

But then i notice how there's a particularly bored looking guy - a pale but bloody face with no eyelids and thick dark hair  sits perched at the end of my bed. Clutching a bloody knife. My body went stiff and refused to help me escape, so instead, I screamed and screamed and screamed until I couldn't hear myself no more.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU ABSOLUTE - " I gasped, taking deep breaths. In, and out. In...and out. All of a sudden, my breathing stopped when the man pressed his weapon to my throat. He dug it in enough that blood began to trickle down my neck, and I realised that if I screamed or spoke anymore, I'd instantly die of blood loss.

"Shut it, you idiot! Do you WANT to die or something?" He sighed and hoisted me up cautiously, so not too much blood dripped out of my wound. He scuttled round so he was behind me and pressed the point to the nape of my neck, causing my hairs to prick up and stand on end.

He took a deep breath before speaking the very first command. "I'm going to take you now. I am about to drug you with a syringe and put you to sleep and you are not going to bother putting up any sort of struggle if you prefer to make your life meaningful. The next time you awaken, it will be in one of the Mansion bedrooms and you will then officially be playing a big part in The Proxy Trials. Don't even try it." He pressed the knife slightly harder against my neck and with the other hand, delved into his scrawny pocket to pull out the syringe. Seeing that horribly sharp needle, I was about to scream again but knew if I even bothered to open up my mouth even a little, my death would be 110% certain. So I let him inject me with the electric blue fluid, and the last thing I heard had been a vague phrase I had heard many other times in my life.

"Go to sleep..."

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