CHAPTER 20 - Axel's story.

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Axel's P.O.V.

It was now or never, their happy, trustworthy faces made that much far too clear. It was now I couldn't back down.

I found it so funny - how such a mix of girls could become friends, and then Emily in her amazing unicorn onesie. She made even the maddest things work.

Violet yawned and stood up, probably exhausted after all that extra training. "Imma just gonna walk on over and pay Masky a visit, Ciao peoples.." She was about to walk away, but I jumped up and wrapped my fingers around her thin wrist. If I was gonna tell everyone, then everyone had to know. "Sit down, Violet." I asked flatly. "I need to tell you guys something." I flopped back onto the bed, and watched everyone leap up and join me. Dawn neatly tidied HER bed up, grimacing. "I FORBID anyone to get on my bed. Especially since you're all eating those month-old Krispy Kremes Vi made Laughing Jack buy for her during his slave days."

I shrugged. "Violet handed them to me ages ago, they still taste good though, I don't see the problem here." I took a massive hunk out of another one, and Violet made a face. "Oh Axel, sometimes you disgust even ME. If you'd speed things up a little - I promised Masky I'd go see him tonight." She perched on the foot of the bed impatiently. Everyone wolf-whistled and sent cat-calls her way. Violet grabbed the nearest pillow off the bed and slammed it right into Emily's face. "WE'RE NOT GONNA FUCK, GUYS CALM DOWN!" She shouted, and everyone did. Emily rubbed the top of her head. "Oww, you don't know your own strength Vi, why'd you just hit me?!" Violet raised an eyebrow, and Emily should've known what was coming. "Do you REALLY want me to answer that?" Emily was about to protest, and thought better of it. "Actually, not really... I already know I'm annoying but after I hear Violet's List - I'll probably end up depressed or something."

I sighed. "Guys can I tell you now?" I whined. The pair turned to face me, "Well, hurry UP then!" I just had to tell them the truth. So, I took a deep breath and began.

"A few years ago, I was...sexually harassed, by this stranger on the street. We were at a train station and I cried and everything. After that, well, I ended up claustrophobic for a while. Absolutely petrified of anyone within a fifty-mile radius! I ended up in a care home for kids, not wanted by their parents - but this time - I was the one who didn't want them, so I ran away from home,and THEY found me. In the Home, I grew up to be tough, and wary of everyone around me, but I also grew less afraid. That man did things to me you guys wouldn't believe."

I paused, and showed them my arms - scratched and scarred for life - by that wretched belt. Then I pulled back my hair to reveal the six inch deep red cut on my forehead, black puckered thread attepmting to disguise it, but not doing a very good job. Everyone gasped at that, and Rose looked almost faint. Then I had to show them the ear.

When I scraped back the pixie haircut, they all had a good look at what was left of my left ear. (Ir eally shouldn't be laughing right now, but for some reason I found that quite humorous, that's just me being mental as always.) They all witnessed a half cut, half burned off ear, looking like the melting wax off a candle. the thick pink scar slashing along the height  of it was still there as well - clear as a bell, and Rose turned away in disgust. Xandra stayed, looking murderous again. "H-he did THAT to you? Who would do such a thing?!" They all stared at me, gawping. Vi was still standing beside the bed, but eyes glued to mine. "Well, carry on then!" Hissed Dawn, mortified.

"Well, I suddenly became vengeful, and wanted to get my back on him. So I searched, and then I found him waiting at the Train station - like the last time we met. And don't worry Xandra, I got my revenge."

Emily smiled. "Good for you Axel! D'you hit him where it hurt?"

"I killed him."

They definitely didn't expect THAT. Emily's pretty eyes grew so wide it looked almost amusing. "Whoa." I nodded and turned to Violet, who hopped down and wriggled between Rinwana and Emily. "This just suddenly got a WHOLE lot more intéressant!" She looked at me in awe, glazy-eyed. "Don't just stop there, carry on!"

So I continued. "Um yeah, I killed him. The police were all over the case, but no one suspected the ten year old claustrophobic girl did they? I actually ENJOYED it. For once, I actually laughed. The first time after the...incident I felt at peace. I began on this huge killing spree - anyone who was like a fucking pedo or anything like that. I was OBSESSED."

No one spoke, they had their mouths hanging open in complete shock. This made me feel really uncomfortable, why didn't they GET that?

"Anyway, I was kidnapped at 12. His name is Ulrick Wolfe, and I tried to beat him up but it didn't work. He locked me in his basement. And I cursed him for enjoying the drums as a hobby - that meant the basement - where he played - was soundproof so the neighbours wouldn't complain. Ulrick fed me everyday though, three meals. He needed a slave apparently and since I was just sitting there at the station... You get it. One day I got mouthy with him - so he hit me once with a crowbar. Joke was on him though because he left that crowbar in the basement."

I watched their misty-eyed expressions, it was almost too much to bear - but Emily's phone went off.

This is the part when I say I don't want ya

I'm stronger than I've been before

This is the part when I break free

Cause I can't res-

I really wanted to kill her now.  Seriously, best way to annoy someone was contact Emily and let her do it for you.

"Sorry," She murmured, switching it off. "No more distractions, please continue - you were at the bit with the crowbar left behind in the basement."

I face palmed myself, but decided to carry on. "Seriously? Ariana Grande? Ugh, never mind. Okay, so I had the crowbar in my hands, and the next time he came down to give me some food, I got him. I beat him black and blue. After I was done with the crowbar, he was in a coma."

They all stared at the murderer in the bedroom. Scrutinizing my every flaw. "He deserved it." Rose mumbled kindly. "What happens next?"

This bit was the hardest.

"Well... he was in a coma for about three months, but survived it. When he awoke unfortunately, there was no amnesia or anything like that. So he remembered me well."

I looked at the phone screen, gulping.

Roses are red, Pickles are green,I love your legs and what's in between.

"...And now he's decided to stalk me. He keeps sending me très scary messages, and  keeps going on about the telling me to wait - because he's going to  get me back when the time's right." I shut my eyes, I WAS a cold-blooded murderer. And nothing was gonna change that.

Then on the spur of the moment, I felt warm, calming arms wrap around me in a suffocating embrace. They were trying to make me feel better! Why would they do that? I was a murderer. "You're probably all gonna avoid me now, going all out since I'm the 'killing addict' now, huh?" I asked sheepishly. It WAS the truth. They were all thinking it. Violet laughed, arms pulled around me. "Hell no, you did what you did. The past's the past but we know you well Axel. And you've obviously changed quite a bit. You're our friend, and nothing will change that." This must be how it feels like to have people actually CARE about you. The feeling was good.

"Last thing guys," I showed them the message on my phone. "Help Axel get rid of the scary stalker man?" There was silence, and grave faces as they watched the message and all the messages before that. Lucky for me though, Emily giggled and broke the silence. "FUCK YEAH!"

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