CHAPTER 19 - A walk in the snow.

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Rose's P.O.V.

I ambled down the forest, inhaling the cold gusts and scents of winter to take my mind off of Heidi. I had the strangest dream last night.

Stuck in snow, completely lost and waiting. Waiting for the right time. A dead angel in the forest, body sprayed with snow and blue from the cold. A flock of sparrows burst into the sky and flutter through the dead of night, following the trail of glimmering stars. I kneel in the ground crying. the thick, thigh deep snow I'm wading in is spotted with dark blood. MY blood.

Should I be smiling? Well I am, and I knew I had made the right decision as always. A pack of wolves slowly began to creep around in the swirling mist. But I'm not gonna die. Not yet. They prowl around - waiting for the right time to strike, but they don't know they're only hallucinating, because I WILL survive.

The wolves are so close it's unrealistic. I'm almost nose to nose with them as they slowly circumvent around my patch, growling, frothing at the mouth. Their lips are pulled back to reveal yellowing, sharp teeth. One strikes, And blood spurts everywhere. I am laughing though. And the man behind me must have heard the laughing as well because he starts to shoot them down, one by one. But I'm STILL laughing.

I shuddered. That dream was so eerily REAL. It gave me the creeps just thinking about it. Or maybe I received shivers because for some reason - I thought it was Heidi's eyes I was looking through.

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