. . . Lipstick?

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“I agree, Twilight is a good book.” You said. So, get this. Here you were at a party, sitting on a couch with your flush crush, talking about the book Twilight. I mean what cray cray person would read Twilight?! ((Shut up -3- People actually like that book.)) Sowwy...

“Indeed. The Rose human lent it to me, and I can't seem to stop reading it.” Kanaya commented, holding up a copy of Twilight.

“I would think so. The language of the book and how it-..” You said, but were cut off by someone coming up to you.

“You're up friend.” I said, standing in front of you, holding out a black hat. You frowned a bit, seeing as how I interrupted your conversation with Kanaya, but decided to just go with it as your hand plunged into the hat.

Your hand passed by many familiar items, but stopped on a familiar one. Lipstick. But not any ordinary lipstick. Its outside was cold, and hard, almost as if it was made out of metal, which it was. It felt as if it had a band around it, keeping the top and the bottom in place together.

'Could this be?' You thought, thinking it was gonna be too easy just to get this item. You pulled the item out and examined the item, and indeed it was Kanaya's lipstick/weapon.

“Oh I see you got my item.” Kanaya said from beside you, setting the book next to her and grabbing the item from your hand. She took the top off of the white lipstick container, revealing perfect green lipstick. She quickly put on another layer of lipstick on her lips, and smiled, closing the container and setting it next to the book as well. “Shall we go?” She asked, standing up and dusting off the invisible dust on her long red skirt.

“Oh. Yeah, sure.” You said, standing up and walking side by side with Kanaya to the closet. The door shut behind you as a voice said,

“Seven minutes start now!”

Unfortunately for you, you accidentally cut your finger on a stray nail on the floor. ((Btw you're in a sitting position.))

“Ah, god!” You cried you, holding up your finger in front of your face. There was a single drop of crimson blood running down your finger tip to the base of your finger. You hissed in pain and held your finger. It may have been a small cut, but damn it hurt! Kinda like when you get a paper cut, you're like “Oh.” but then later your like “AHHH HOLY SHIT SUHAFJKSNDAFKN.” Yeah...

“Are you alright (y/n)?” Kanaya asked from the side of you, her voice laced with concern ((Did that make sense .-.))

“Yeah, I just cut my finger and it's bleeding. No big deal.” You nervously laughed.

“Let me see.” She said, grabbing your arm and pulling you close. You blushed as you landed sideways into her lap, as she held your hand high up to examine it. “Oh I see it.” She said. 'Oh god! I forgot she was a rainbow drinker/vampire! ((whatever u wanna call it.))' You thought.

“Uhh, Kan. I don't think that's a good idea.” You said, sitting up. But, you were to late. Kanaya already started to lick your finger, lapping up the rest of the blood. You were shocked, yet oddly attractive. You sat there, and watched as Kanaya licked your finger.

She stopped and looked down at you. Her eyes ((idek if this is possible but just roll with it.)) flashed a bright green for a second before returning to normal. She pulled you up, setting you in her lap and began to kiss your shoulder blade, leaving trials of green lipstick.

'Oh god, I need to stop her!' You thought. Your brain was saying 'no' but your body was saying 'yes!' You were so confused. It felt so right, but wrong.

Kanaya began to work her way up to your neck, not before looking up at you.

“May I dear?” She asked, in a sickly sweet voice. You gulped and nodded, not knowing what else to say. She smiled slightly, and moved her fangs over your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.

That's when it happened. She sunk her sharp fangs into your skin, causing you to hiss in pain. God did it hurt, but damn did it feel good...at the same time. She proceeded to suck your blood out, not letting a sink drop go to waste. Your blood was so sweet to her, which made it hard for her to pull away. But, when she did she already wanted more.

You were out of breath when she pulled away. She left a good sized mark on the left side of your neck. Kanaya smiled at her work, and pulled you into a hug.

“I have marked you now my dear (y/n). You belong to me.” She said in a stern voice. You nodded in reply and smiled against her skin.

“Yours.” You repeated, as the door to the closet opened. You two stepped out as a few whispers were heard about the mark on your neck. You and Kanaya simply ignored it and returned back to the couch and continued your conversation on Twilight.


Yay! It's finally done! >W< I'm so happy with this one!

I do apologize for it being so short though! I didn't really know what else to put down so yeah xD

Anyways, please keep sending in requests!

I love your guys ideas and stuff >A< So don't stop!

Anyways, enjoy! xD

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