. . . A Rainbow Dash Figurine?

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"Choooooose something from the baaaaaaag." I literally sang out, holding out the black hat infront of your face. You sighed and shoved your hand into the black leather hat. 

Your hand skimmed over what felt like a plastic bottle, a whistle, a towel, many different items that you knew who they belonged to, but your hand stopped on one item. The item felt, rubbery, like a figurine. The figurine felt like it hand, four, toe less legs, slick hair, and tail, and a pair of what seemed like wings. You questioned the item, and pulled it out, looking at it. 

It was a Rainbow Dash doll. Instanly, you knew who it belonged to. The one and only, smuppet, my little pony, anime lover, Dirk fucking Strider. Everything about the guy was fucking perfect. His voice, his hair, his interests, and his oh so beutiful eyes. You may not have seen them, but you heard, if you look at them too long, your ovaries explode. 

You began to daydream about the guy, not noticing him making his way to the closet.

"Hello? Earth to (y/n)?" I asked, waving my hand infront of your face. You blinked, once, then, twice, noticing the hand infront of your face. You made a 'hm?' sound, looking up at me. I facepalmed, and grabbed your hand, and threw your into the closet, slamming the door shut.

"Seven minutes!" You heard Dave call out. You turned around, to see Dirk standing a good, foot away from you, staring at the door. 

"sup." He simply says, looking at you through his anime shades. 'God! I wanna see his fucking eyes!' You think, drooling at the thought. Dirk noticed this and chuckles. "I get it, I'm sugoi and shit,but no need to stare." He said, pulling you out of your little dream land. You nervously chuckled, and wiped the drool that was on your chin and played it cool.

"What? Pshhh, I've seen hotter guys than you." You said, instanly regretting what you said, but played it cool, like your brain told you to do. Dirk frowned for a minute, but immedietaly returned to his regular 'poker face.' 

"And who is hotter than Dirk fucking Strider?" He asked,smirking. 'Shit.....Um....make something up brain! ...Uh....Eridan? Eww, fuck no.' You thought, grimacing at how your brain thought of Eridan.

"Uh....Dave? Hah, yeah Dave. Your brother." You said. You were sweating like a dog, so much, you might become a female Equius....wait, gross.

"Dave? My brother? Hah! Little dude isn't even half as skilled as me." Dirk said, leaning up against the wall. 

"Prove it." You said, getting a little bit cocky. Dirk chuckled, and moved forward, pinned you up against the door. 

"Oh I will." He said. You were about to question him, but his lips crashed up against yours. He tasted like Doritos, and Apple Juice, which made sense, for both Striders loved those two items. He picked up and wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing you against the wall, harder. 

You moaned as he slowly slid his hand up your shirt, shuddering at the new feeling. You reached a shaky hand up to his shades and pulled them off, gasping into the kiss. His majestic ((Lol)) orange eyes stared at you, making you feel uneasy. 

"Bad girl. Taking off a Strider's shades. You'll have to be punished~" He said, lust lacing his voice. He crashed his lips against yours a second time. You dropped his shades, and laces your fingers into his bright blonde hair, tugging it lightly earning a low moan from him. 

He pulled away from the kiss and set you down, making you upset. 'It was just starting to get good damnit!' You thought, staring at Dirk for what seemed like forever. You picked up his shades, and gave them to him, right as the door opened.

You walked out, hand in hand with Dirk, as he lead your upstairs. 

"Where you guys going?!" I yelled after you. But, you didn't answer. 

"Hey Dirk?" You asked, as he pinned you onto his bed. He made a grunt noise, signaling he was listening. "I think, I stared at your eyes for to long. I....I think my ovaries exploded." 


OH GOG I FEEL SO ASHAMED! MY INNOCENCE IS RUINED....wait it was ruined along time ago.....


Anways, Um, how you like it? And Shizz, Um Yeah. Swag 

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