. . . A Scarf (Sadstuck)

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UPDATE (JUNE 28, 17)
Holy shit was I really super edgy when I wrote this. Keep in mind I was, what.... 12? Yeah, kms man. Trigger warning ahead, and tbh I might actually delete this part because of how negative and cringey this part is. Like what the fuck was my younger thinking when they wrote this.

You pulled your knees to your face as the laughing got louder. Vriska and Terezi were standing across the room, pointing and laughing about you. Why? All because of one stupid ass rumor. The rumor that was going around was that you were a whore and filled a pail with Karkat and Sollux, which never happened! 

Of course Sollux and Karkat being cowards, they never spoke up and let the rumor kill you. All your friends began to turn on you, and you grew into a state of depression. You just wanted to die. But, I would never let you. Out of all your ex-friends, I was still there for you, which you appreciated. 

So now, here you were in a room full of people who hated you playing 7 minutes in heaven. I slowly walked up to you and held out a black hat. You instantly shook your head and sighed.

"Why do I have to play? Everyone hates me!" 

"Aww come on (y/n)!" I plead, but you simply shake your head. "Fine. I'll choose and item for you." I say as I pick you up and throw you into the closet. 

You curl up into a ball in the corner, not having any strength to bang on the door, due to you condition. 'Might as well get this over with...' You think. 

The door suddenly opens, as I throw another body into the closet. They stumbled onto the floor, but quickly got up, hissing in pain. 

You looked up at the figure noticing a cape was blocking their figure. 'Eridan...' You sigh and stay quiet. Eridan was your flush crush for only a few days. You never understood why you liked the seadweller, but you just had a strange feeling when you were around him. Love? 'No...who would love me...' You think.

"Hello?" Eridan called out, obviously looking for the other person in the closet. 'Oh right...'

"Down here..." You mumble, sitting up in a criss cross position. Eridan looked down, and by the looks of it, gave you a questioning look.

"Wwhy are you down here?" Eridan asked, sitting next to you. You move away from him.

"Stop. If people know you are talking with me, you'll get hurt..." You say. Eridan stares at you in disbelief and reaches for your arm.

"Wwait, (y/n) you dont unde-..." He was cut off by you hissing in pain as he grabbed your arm. 'Shit...' You think as Eridan pulls you closer, making you hiss in pain more.

"No stop! Eridan please stop!" You yell/whisper as he lifts up the sleeve to you (f/c) sweater, revealing all your new, old, deep, and light scars.

"(y/n).....Wwhy?" Eridan asks. Tears begin to fall from your (e/c) orbs and land on Eridan's hand.

"Y-you wouldn't understand." You say, trying your best not to cry. 

"Yes I do." He replied.

"You do not! You don't understand the pain of being physically and emotionally abused! You don't understand the pain I've been through, ever since I was fucking born! You will never...understand..." You say as you trail off. Eridan grabs your hand lightly and rubs his thumb over it. 

"I do knoww (y/n).Havve you evver noticed how many people hate me? Havve you evver noticed how I longed for attention? Do you knoww wwhy? It's because I wwas lonely, and afraid...." He said blankly. You shake your head. 'He can't be telling the truth...No one ever does...'

And no one ever tells the truth to you. Karkat told you the same exact shit, but look where that ended up. He spread rumors about you, and said it wasn't his fault when you confronted. 

The door was opened revealing me. 

"7 minutes is up..." I say. You slowly get up and exit the closet. As you leave you can here Vriska and Terezi still talking about you, but this time, everyone was crowded around them.

"Yeah! (y/n) even cuts! How stupid!" You heard Vriska say. That's when the tears began to pour out. You rushed towards the door and out to your secret area, where no one could find you. 

But what you didn't notice was the concern look on Eridan's face. 

He was actually telling the truth.


You ran to the side of the cliff sobbing your heart out, wishing all the pain would just disappear. You sit on the side of the cliff and begin to write a note. 

Dear Everyone,

I know you probably haven't noticed that i was gone until now, but I wanted you all to know, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for ever coming into your guys lifes, and making you hate me. I know, I hate myself too, but even to all of those who actually 'did' care about me, thank you. Before all this happened, you guys were so close to me. Like Nep! I loved it when we would roleplay, and John! When we played pranks on eachother...heh that was fun...

But, why am I even writing this?! This is so stupid! No one will even remember me, (y/n) (l/n) who 'filled a pail' with Sollux and Karkat! Nobody even cares?! Why....What did I ever do wrong...

I'm sorry everybody.....

I'm so sorry....


    (y/n) (l/n)

You wiped away the tears that were forming in your eyes and took a deep breath in. You placed the note under a rock next to you and stood up. You looked over the side, but immediately closed your eyes, as your fear of heights got to you.

You took one step forward, then another, then another until you were now falling. But, it didn't last long, as your body hit the rocky ground, and everything went black.


It was now a month since you commited suicide, and everyone regretted everything. They missed your laugh, and your cheerful attitude, even Vriska. And oh god did Vriska regret everything she put you through. She didn't mean for it to go that far! Even Terezi cried when she figured out you died. Everyone did. Except for one soul.


He didn't cry, because he followed after you. That same day, when he read the note and showed everyone else, he couldn't believe that you were gone. So he decided to join you. He really did love you. I on the other hand couldn't stop crying. I cried for days, but you never saw. You never saw how much you hurt me by doing that. 

Vriska and Terezi apologized over and over again to you at your tombstone. But, those who bullied another and were the cause of ones death,

...are never innocent.



I'm So Sorry For It Being Late ;-; Wifi Just Got Back Up XD 

I Literally Had No Idea On What To Write For This,So I Did This .-.

Now, Everyone I Wanna Say, Suicide Is Never The Answer To Anything, And I Am NOT Encouraging ANYONE To Commit Suicide. Just Remember, That Some One Loves You, And To Be Honest, You Guys Are Purrfect Just The Way You Are! :3

So Anyways, I Hope You Like The Story Keenai xD 

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