. . . 3-D Glasses?

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You groaned as the hat was pushed into your face. You pushed the hat back with your right hand and sent a glare at me.

"Please pick." I say with a pouty face. 'Shit...' You think. No one ever says no to my pouty face, EVEN KARKAT! Like, holy shit. Anyways. you sigh and shove your hand into the hat, searching for an item.

Your small hand passes by multiple items that you wished, not to touch, one being Eridan's scarf, ew....but, your hand stops on a pair of what felt like glasses. 'Yes! I can be stuck in a closet with Terezi!' You think smiling. Yes, Terezi was like, your best friend. You guys were like, the most awesome moirails ever! It makes Nepeta and Equius jealous. 

Thinking that the glasses were Terezi's, you quickly pull them out, but your smile turns into a frown as you look at the item. They were a pair of 3-D like glasses, but just not made out of paper.'Crap...I got Sol...' You mentally ram your face into the wall. Now you have to be stuck in a closet for seven minutes with your lispy crush. 'Fuck.My.Life...'

"To the closet you go!' I say, pushing you to your feet and into the closet. You can see in the corner of your eye, Sollux getting pushed by Dave into the closet. 

"Oh fuck you! Why am ii thtuck with (y/n)?!" Right as you here that, your heart sinks. 'Does he...hate me?' Before a single tear fell from your eye, you were pushed into the closet, Sollux following behind. As the door closed behind you too, you crawled into the farthest corner in the closet, and curled up into a ball.

"Damnit! Let me out!" Sollux yelled, slamming his hands on the door.

"Nope. We ain't letting you out until 7 minutes is up!" I yell through the door. You heard Sollux mumble a few curse words, before sitting down in front of you. You could feel his gaze upon you, making you wanna die even more. 'Why does he hate me?' You think sniffling. 'Shit..'

Unfortunately, Sollux heard your sniffling and instantly shot up.

"Oh thhit! (y/n) You know ii diidn't mean anythiing ii thaiid back there, riight?" You stayed silent, letting the tears fall from your face. You could hear shuffling infront of you, until Sollux sat right infront of you. You pulled your head up from your knees and looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"Of course I knew you meant it! I mean, everyone else seems to hate me except TZ, Xena, and Kar, but I didn't expect you to hate me." You say as the tears stop flowing from your eyes. Sollux groaned in frustration, and in a second he had you pinned to the floor. 

You looked at him, shocked. Seeing him do this was not usual for him to do. Sollux looked at you through his glasses and sighed.

"ii dont hate you thtupid. ii jutht thaiid thothe thiingth because ii diidn't wanna be thtuck in a clothet wiith the perthon iim fluthed for..." Sollux said trailing off. 'Wait...did he say 'the person im flushed for?'' You mentally squealed, and facepalmed on how stupid you were earlier and kissed Sollux. 

He looked suprised for a second, but slowly melted into the kiss. 

The door opened, as you two walked out of the closet and sat on the couch where you watched the rest of the game play out.




So its hard to write.....ANYWAYS!~






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