Ch. 30

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This is the last chapter! Prepare yourselves!

Virgil paled dramatically when he entered the kitchen.

Logan had come in there an hour ago to talk to Patton, and Virgil was frankly a little bit concerned.

He did find Logan in the kitchen.

He had found Logan, who was struggling against the hands wrapped around his neck.

Patton's hands.

"Patton...?" Virgil asked, voice shaky with terror.

Patton jumped and instantly was off of Logan, who gasped for air and coughed violently.

"Virgil!" Patton exclaimed, face pale and voice terrified.

"What are you--?" Virgil cut himself off when Patton began walking towards him.

"Virgil, let me explain--"

"What is there to explain?! You--" Virgil backed right into someone's chest.

The person instantly pushed Virgil behind them, causing him to look up at who it was.

"Deceit?" Virgil asked.

"I said I wanted the front row seat to your downfall." Deceit told Patton with a smirk. Patton's eyes lit up with rage.

"Give me Virgil."

"And why, my dearest Patton, would we do that?" Someone behind Virgil asked.

Virgil whirled around to see Remus standing there with his trademark grin on his face.

Patton's scowl was quickly replaced by a loving expression. "Virge, honey? Come to me quickly, kiddo. They might hurt you and--"

"Right now, I'm more concerned about you hurting him." Came from the other entrance to the kitchen.

"Roman!" Patton gasped, turning around.

Roman ignored Patton and kneeled over Logan, who was rubbing his throat in pain.

Patton was as white as a sheet. He scowled again, whirling around to face Deceit. "This is all your fault--" He spat, marching over to him.

"Woah there!" Remus exclaimed, pushing ahead of Virgil and standing in front of Deceit. "There's no need to be a sore loser!"

"Honestly, and I thought I was dramatic." Roman snorted, standing up and facing Patton.

"You--You--" Patton growled, eyes flicking over them all. "Give me Virgil."

"No can do, Padre." Roman shrugged. "I'm going to have to ask you to leav--"

"Don't you get it?! Deceit is lying! Just like he always does!" Patton yelled.

"Really? Because Deceit has only said one thing so far." Remus shrugged.

"Virgil, please! You have to believe me!" Patton cried. "It's me! It's Dad!"

"You are not my dad." Virgil spat. "I don't know who you are, but you're not the Patton I know."

Patton shook with anger. He suddenly lunged toward Virgil, but was stopped by Remus grabbing his arms.

"Whoa! Take a breather, Patton! You look like you're going to blow a gasket!" Remus exclaimed, giggling slightly.

"Let go of me!" Patton screamed, thrashing wildly. He stomped on Remus' feet, but Remus made no indication of feeling any pain.

Patton jumped and kicked Remus in the stomach.

This time, Remus doubled over and released Patton.

Patton ran the opposite direction, but was faced with Roman pointing his samurai sword at him.

"C'mon, Patton Cake. Can't we just talk?" Roman asked.

Patton grabbed a nearby kitchen knife. "There's nothing to talk about." Patton sneered.

Roman looked behind Patton, and gave Remus a single nod.

Before Patton could say anything, Remus had slammed his morning star over Patton's head.

Patton staggered, before collapsing into a heap on the floor.

"Creativitwins one! Patton zero!" Remus grinned, high fiving Roman.

"Are you okay?" Deceit asked, walking over to Logan.

"Yeah," Logan coughed, rubbing his neck.

"I can't believe--" Virgil shook his head, staring at the unconscious Patton. "I can't believe he was really like that all along."

"Shocking, isn't it?" Deceit asked, rubbing a soothing hand on Logan's back.

"Roman," Remus said, making sure the others didn't hear him. "I have to know, I'm not the cause of you feeling so bad, am I?"

"What?" Roman asked incredulously. "No, of course not!"

"No?" Remus released a breath. "Then who was it? Patton?"

"No, it wasn't Patton."


"Lord no!" Roman shook his head.


"It was me, Remus." Roman released a sigh. "It's always been me."

"What?" Remus asked. "The one who was making you feel bad everyday"

"Yes, Remus. Nothing I make is ever good enough, and it kills me inside every day! I'll never be good enough, and that's why--"

"Y'know, Roman." Logan spoke up, his voice raspy. "It was Alfred Nobel who said 'If I have one thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied'."

"...I'm not followin--"

"You shouldn't expect so much out of yourself, Roman." Logan told him softly. "If you ever need to talk, relieve some of stress, you can always talk to me or Virgil or Deceit or Remus."

"That's right, Ro! Don't keep wearing yourself thin! I'll always be in your corner, no matter what!" Remus gave Roman a big smile.

"But--that doesn't change the fact that I'm not good enough--"

"And you'll never be good enough." Deceit said simply.

"Deceit!" Remus snapped.

"You'll never be good enough, because you'll always expect more out of yourself than you can give." Deceit finished. Remus' mouth formed an o.

"Y-Yeah, Ro!" Virgil chimed in. "I think you're amazing! Uh, we all do!" He stammered, causing Remus to chuckle.

"Thanks, guys." Roman told them, smiling softly.

The sadness Remus felt from Roman lessened, and Remus finally felt it was all over.


Remus' eyes widened as he whirled around.

Patton stabbed his knife into Remus' stomach.



I would like to thank you for joining me on this adventure! I plan to make a sequel in the near future, I'll give you a heads up when that ends up happening.

Love y'all!

The Author :)

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