Ch. 14

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Guess who's back! Did ya miss me? The explanation as to why I'm back when it is very much NOT May is in the Author's Note at the bottom.

Remus' eyes narrowed. He knew Deceit, and he knew that Deceit was hardly ever this persistent when it came to Remus.

He must really be concerned if he's already looking for him again.

"--any thoughts, Roman?" Remus' head snapped back to the light sides as he heard Logan finish his question.

"Yes!" Remus exclaimed without thinking. Virgil's eyebrows furrowed, Patton frowned, and Logan rose a brow.

"Yes?" Logan repeated slowly. "So you think we should kill Remus?"

"Wha--No!" Remus exclaimed, suddenly scared. They were thinking of killing him? Why? He hadn't even done anything recently!

Logan sighed in exasperation. "Are you paying attention, Roman?"


"We've talked about this. You need to be more involved in our discussions." Logan crossed his arms.

"Lo, we weren't discussing anything important. It's fine--"

"No! It's not 'fine', Patton! He does this all the time!" Logan exclaimed, annoyance taking over his usually calm features.

"That's a bit of an overstatement." Virgil chimed in.

"He never pays attention to anything we say! It's like he doesn't want to be here!" Logan snapped, gesturing to Remus.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here." Remus hissed, glaring at the analytical side. "I just got a bit distracted."

"Oh, like how you were distracted last week during our meeting? Or how you were distracted the week before that? Or the week before?" Logan asked, glaring right back at Remus.

"Calm down, Logan. You're getting worked up again." Patton said gently.

Logan whipped his head over to Patton to yell at him, but his gaze almost immediately softened.

"I...I apologize, Roman." Logan mumbled, looking down at the table. Remus was confused as to what exactly just happened, but didn't comment on it.

Based on the confused look Virgil was wearing, Remus would say he was confused as well.

Patton tilted his head and smiled, but in reality, he was thinking. Patton was smarter than he let on, and Patton just came to a conclusion that would greatly benefit him.

"Um, anyways," Virgil said, looking uncomfortable. Suddenly, they all felt a familiar tug.

"Guys! I just remembered I have to babysit tonight!" Thomas exclaimed when they all were there.

"We know, Thomas. We just remembered too." Logan sighed. "I do not understand why this is a cause for distress, it's only for two hours."

"I have to take care of another human being! That's a big cause for distress!" Thomas cried.

"Point proven." Virgil smirked.

"Well it's too late now, kiddo. You promised." Patton said.

"I-I know that! I just don't think I'm the right person for the job!" Thomas ran a hand through his hair.

"You're great with kids, Thomas." Logan reassured. "It'll be fine. Besides, how could you get out of it now anyways?"

"He could always lie, say he got sick." Remus said offhandedly, looking at his nails.

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