Ch. 13

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Before this chapter begins, I would like to announce a brand new Sanders Sides book!

Before this chapter begins, I would like to announce a brand new Sanders Sides book!

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This is a Deceit x Remus fanfiction. Which if you don't like, that's fine, but I hope I can make the plot interesting for you anyways!

Of course, the backstory I gave Remus in Plagiarism does not apply to the new book. In the new one, when they first form they are the same age as Thomas. Meaning Deceit and Remus are the same age.

In this book, Remus wakes up every morning to find that he has been placed inside of his dream as the main character.

That's all the info you get, so please please check it out!

Love y'all 😘

The Author


Remus woke up the next day by himself. He immediately sat up, afraid that Roman faded in the middle of the night.

He got out of bed and began frantically looking for Roman. "Ro?" Remus called, looking in the closet.

"I'm here." Remus heard from under the bed.

"Y'know, Ro, the monster under the bed is kinda my thing." Remus said, crouching down.

There was Roman, hiding underneath the bed. "What are you doing?" Remus asked.

"I heard footsteps coming towards the room in the middle of the night, and obviously I didn't want them to find two Romans on my bed." Roman rolled his eyes.

"So you hid?" Remus snorted. "Who was it?"

"I'd recognize those shoes anywhere." Roman said, crawling out and sitting next to Remus. "It was Deceit."

"Dee?" Remus asked, looking surprised. "Why was he in here?"

"He was mumbling something about the Imagination, I couldn't quite catch it though. I assume he was trying to find a way in." Roman shrugged. "Why wouldn't he check your room instead?"

"I made sure to lock my door before I left. I actually have a brain up here, y'know?" Remus smirked, tapping his head. "Guess Deceit hasn't given up on his search for me."

"It's cute that he cares so much, he's like worried father." Roman chuckled, standing up.

"He basically is." Remus shrugged, standing up as well. "I better head to breakfast, I'll be back later."

"But of course, brother." Roman smirked, bowing mockingly.

Remus flipped him the bird as he walked out.

Just as he closed the door, he was met with Logan staring at him. "Ah, hello there!"

"Hello, Roman." Logan drawled, walking over to him. "Why didn't you wake Patton up this morning? He seems upset about it."

"Oh, pardon me. I slept in." Remus said truthfully.

"You've been doing that for the past few days." Logan mumbled under his breath, pushing his glasses up.

Remus pretended not to hear it, instead going to walk down the stairs.

He entered the kitchen, where Patton was making breakfast. "Good morning, Padre." Remus gave him a nod.

"Aw, hey Ro!" Patton chirped. "Good morning to you too!"

"Hey, Roman?" Remus turned and spotted Virgil, who was sat at the table. "Can we talk? Alone?" Virgil asked, fidgeting with his hands.

"Of course, Storm Cloud." Remus began walking to the living room.

Logan went into the kitchen as Virgil came out of it.

"So, um," Virgil said quietly, not wanting Patton or Logan to hear.

"No rush, Virge. Take your time." Remus told him gently.

Remus wondered if this was going to be a love confession. He hoped not, Roman hadn't prepped him for that one.

"Last night," Virgil began, looking at the floor. "I saw Patton going to the dark side of the mind palace."

"What?" Remus asked, bewildered. It was common knowledge that Patton stayed as far away from the dark sides as possible.

"I-I followed him from afar, he didn't notice me." Virgil continued, biting the inside of his cheek. "He went there to talk to Deceit, I only heard a little bit of what they were saying, but it had something to do with Remus."

"Remus?" Remus asked. "You're sure?"

"Yes, Princey, I'm positive. They mentioned 'the Duke' multiple times, and Remus is the only Duke around here." Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets.

Remus was confused as all hell. Why on earth would they be talking about him?

Did this have something to do with why Deceit was in Roman's room last night?

"I couldn't tell Logan about this, he'd go blab to Patton and I don't want that." Virgil muttered. "He would just say I'm being anxious, and I'd never get my answers."

Remus wondered if Deceit was okay. He hoped so.

"I'm trusting you with this, alright Princey?" Virgil looked Remus dead in the eyes.

"You can't tell anyone I told you about this, not even Thomas." Virgil glanced back to the kitchen, making sure no one was listening.

"I swear on my life." Remus nodded firmly. Virgil let out a huge sigh.

"Okay then, let's go eat." Virgil gave a little nod to the kitchen, and walked back into it.

Remus followed him, wondering if he should worry about Deceit or not.

Remus figured the one she should worry about was actually Patton.


Logan watched as Roman and Virgil walked in. Virgil was obviously anxious about something, whilst Roman look perfectly calm. Then again, Roman was an actor.

"So, do we have any plans for today Lo-Lo?" Patton asked him, plopping down in the chair next to him.

"The improv class is on Saturday, so there's that." Logan began. "Thomas scheduled it last night. I don't believe we have anything for today specifically, though."

"Oh, didn't we promise to babysit our friend's kid today?" Patton asked. Logan furrowed his brow.

"What?" He asked, summoning his calendar. "I didn't put down that we--oh look, there it is."

"We have to take care of another human being?" Virgil asked, looking nervous. "That's a lot of responsibility."

"How old is he again?" Remus asked Logan, not liking the idea of children in general.

"Seven, I believe." Logan pushed up his glasses.

"Oh, joy." Remus muttered, turning his head to look to the living room.

It was then he spotted Deceit going up to his room again.


This chapter was garbage but like it's fine.

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