Ch. 28

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Roman entered the Imagination, went to his brother's side, and found Remus and Deceit beating the shit out of Patton.

"What the--?" Roman mumbled.

Remus' head instantly shot up at the sound of Roman's voice. "Roman!" He exclaimed, voice filled with childlike glee.

He ran towards Roman and grabbed him in a tight embrace. "What are you doing here?"

Roman looked from Patton (who was crying on the floor as Deceit stomped on him) to Remus. Remus caught his gaze.

"Oh--don't worry! He's not real!" Remus snapped, and Patton was gone. Deceit looked up, finally seeing Roman.

"I thought the others weren't letting you come here?" Deceit tilted his head.

"I snuck away. They're watching a movie right now." Roman said.

"Without you? The audacity." Remus scoffed. "How have you been, Ro? I've missed you!"

"I missed you too, Ree." Roman gave Remus a smile. "I haven't been doing well, honestly."

"No? Well that won't do! Especially after I worked so hard to figure out who was making you feel like shit!" Remus exclaimed.

"Yeah, you found them..." Roman mumbled. From behind Remus, Deceit's head shot up.

"We should work hard to make you feel right as rain!" Remus giggled. "Isn't that right, Dee-Dee?"

Deceit narrowed his eyes at Roman. "...yeah, Remus. We should celebrate, because we found them."

Roman curled in on himself slightly.

Remus looked back and forth between Roman and Deceit. "Did I miss something?"

"No, nothing at all." Deceit shrugged, looking away from Roman. Roman released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

Remus didn't seem convinced, but chose not to comment. "Well, I have the perfect day planned! I've had a lot of time to think, y'know? First, we'd go and fishing for the Loch Ness Monster! After that we would we'd make turtle soup! Then..."

Remus went on and on, seeming to forget all about Deceit and Roman for moment.

"What are you not telling him?" Deceit asked Roman quietly, watching Remus rant and rave.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Roman replied, swallowing.

"Don't play dumb, you know exactly what I mean." Deceit snapped.

"Then you know exactly what I'm not telling him." Roman replied quite testily. Deceit snorted.

"Fair enough."

"--and then at sundown--"

"That sounds great, Ree, but I'm afraid I have to leave soon. The others are going to check on me after the movie is over."

Remus visibly deflated. "Oh."

"I just wanted to see you again," Roman gave Remus a smile. "Sorry,"

"No, it's fine." Remus said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "I get it! Wouldn't wanna be seen hanging out with me, right?"

"That's not it, Remus. You know it's not." Roman sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just...frustrated." Remus huffed, crossing his arms. 

"I get it." Roman gave Remus a pat on the shoulder. "So, what are you doing?"

"Oh, so y'know how you go on quests and fight monsters?" Remus tilted his head, bouncing excitedly.

"Yeah..." Roman replied cautiously, afraid of where this was going.

"I have my own little stress burner!" Remus giggled. He snapped and suddenly a carbon copy of Virgil was standing in front of them.

"Um," Roman furrowed his brow, recalling what he had walked in on them doing.

"Oh, you wouldn't appreciate us beating your little boyfriend, huh? You can fuck him if you want, I won't judge. Can't speak for Deceit, though."

"I'm definitely going to judge you." Deceit deadpanned.

"I'm good!" Roman squeaked, his face rivaling the color of his sash. "Really, I don't need to release any stress."

"Aww, if you say so!" Remus pouted, he snapped again and Virgil was gone. "It's really good to see you, Ro! I've been so lonely! It's been so boring without you!"

"Wow, rude." Deceit snorted.

"I get that, things with me have been..." Roman trailed off, shaking his head. Remus frowned.

"Ro, if you ever wanna talk--"

"It's fine, Remus. I'm just tired, is all. I've been working pretty hard and--"

"I knew it." Remus mumbled, voice breaking. "Goddamnit--Ro--"

"What is it, Ree?" Deceit asked, watching with concern as Remus' eyes grew wet.

"I thought I was imagining it--" Remus took a deep breath.

"Imagining what, Remus?" Roman asked, pretty sure he knew what the answer was.

"The bad feeling, it never went away." Remus shrugged pathetically. "And I thought that was normal, y'know? Obviously it's not going to go away immediately. But when I thought it was getting worse--I thought I was just being paranoid--"

"Remus, I'm sorry."

"No, shut up." Remus shook his head. "Fuck--Patton was right, wasn't he? I just corrupt everythi--"

"Patton?" Roman asked, brow furrowing.

Remus shook his head. "You should get going, Ro. The other's are probably going to check on you soon."

"What? Remus--"

"You shouldn't be here, anyways. You're not allowed to see me yet, right?"

"Remus--" Deceit began, but Roman didn't stick around to hear what he had to say.

Roman left, not because he wanted to, no. He left because something happened that had never happened before. Something that scared him so much that he felt he had to leave.

For the first time, Roman had felt sadness through the empathy link.


I haven't been doing alright, y'all.

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