totally unrelated chapter that will be deleted by tomorrow (maybe)

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I can explain.

So, as I was writing chapter 25 I was overcome with a sudden writer's block that I couldn't get over. So, to get over previously mentioned writer's block I'm making a random chapter. You can view this as part of the book if you want, I won't hold it against you.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him, I swear--ROMAN!" Logan screamed, slamming the kitchen door open. Virgil and Patton jumped, but Roman just calmly looked over at Logan.

"What's up, Pocket Protector?" Roman asked. Logan shoved a piece of paper in Roman's face.

"What is this?!"


"And what is on the paper?!"


Logan was about to strangle Roman, but held himself back. "What else is on the paper?"

Roman looked at the paper again. "That black thing."

"That black thing is EYELINER!" Logan yelled. "Roman, this was important! Now I have to redo this entire sheet of--ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!"

"I dunno what you want me to say. It wasn't me." Roman shrugged.

"Oh, like there's anyone else who wears eyeliner and barges into my room unannounced." Logan rolled his eyes. "I know you ruined my paper, just like how you spilled your foundation all over my book last week!"

"Hey! That was your fault for having your book be in the way of my foundation!"




"What happened with his hair?" Patton asked.

"Cucumber juice" Roman answered absentmindedly.


"Your unicorn onesie? I thought you said that was Patton's unicorn onesie?" Roman asked. Logan turned bright red.

"My point is," Logan cleared his throat. "I can't put up with this anymore, Roman! As of today, I'm starting a tab."

"I'm sorry, a tab?" Roman asked incredulously.

"You heard correctly." Logan smirked.

"Logan, you didn't even buy any of that stuff! You made most of it!" Roman exclaimed.

"You owe me $1,627,481.45." Logan declared. Roman's jaw dropped, and Virgil gave a low whistle.

"How did you manage to ruin that much stuff?" Virgil asked, snickering slightly.

"More importantly, where did that number even come from?!" Roman yelled.

"I took the liberty of creating prices for all of it in case any of you ever wanted some of it." Logan smirked.

"Wha--and you're proud of that?!"

"Why? Should I not be proud?"

"Logan, you--" Roman took a deep breath. "You know I love you--"

"The feeling is not mutual."

"--but you don't seriously expect me to pay you a million dollars that's--" Roman gestured his hands around wildly. "Insane!"

"Says the side who underwent mitosis." Logan snorted.

"Joke's on you! I don't know what that means!"

"What? What's on me?" Logan asked, examining himself.

"Lo, you have to admit it is a tad unreasonable." Patton chimed in.

"Unreasonable? I represent reason." Logan mumbled in confusion. "And how is it unreasonable? He owes me money, I expect him to pay me back!"

"I am not paying you a million dollars!"

"What's the big deal? Can't you just summon that amount of money?" Virgil asked.

"Do you know how much time it'll take me to get that specific amount? And then watch Logan count it all out?" Roman groaned. "I'm not doing it!"

"Fine! But just know that you owe me," Logan hissed lowly. "And if you ruin anything else it's going on you tab."









"WHAT?!" Logan and Roman yelled, whipping their heads toward Patton.

"Um, I made pancakes?" Patton said, gesturing to the plate on the table.

Roman and Logan both stared at the pancakes, before sitting down at the table.

Breakfast went on pretty normally.

"Hey, Storm Cloud! Pass the syrup!" Roman said. Virgil handed Roman the syrup.

Roman poured some on his pancakes. He then began to tell a story, swinging his hands around wildly.

A single drop of syrup got onto Logan's shirt.

Logan screamed.


This'll most likely be deleted by tomorrow 💃🏻

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