Ch. 25

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It had been two weeks and Remus couldn't take it anymore.

He had to see Roman. He had heard nothing about him for the entire two weeks, and it was killing him inside.

"C'mon, Deceit! Please? Just once?" Remus begged for the 500th time that day. "I won't even hit him! Probably!"

"Remus, you know why I can't." Deceit sighed.

"You can't or you won't?" Remus crossed his arms.


"If it's the light sides you're worrying about, that's not a problem! They're weak as fuck! I could take them down easy peasy!" Remus bounced on his heels.

"You know that nothing you do is permanent." Deceit shook his head. "They'd be back on their feet in less than a minute."

"So if that weren't the case, you would let me?" Remus asked.

"I didn't say that--"

"It was heavily implied."



"I can't let you see him until the light sides let him see you." Deceit huffed. "I'm sorry, I'm doing this to protect you."

"Protect me? From those sorry sacks of shit?" Remus asked incredulously. "Can any of them even throw a punch?"

"Patton can."

"How do you know?"

"I'm not answering that."

"I just wanna make sure he's okay!" Remus whined. "You understand that, right? I mean, I saw how you were when I went missing!"

"Don't even go there--"

"C'mon, please! Pretty please with eyeballs on top!" Remus frowned. "I'll do anything you want! I'll be your little fuckboy! Do you want me to be your little fuckboy? I'm super good at being a fuckboy!"

"If you say fuckboy again, I swear I will--"










"No!" Deceit rolled his eyes. "My answer won't change until further notice!"

Remus groaned loudly and stomped into his room.

He collapsed face first into his pillow. "Stupid light sides, stupid Deceit." Remus huffed. "Fine, if I can't see Roman, then I'll have to see Virgil instead."

Remus sunk out.



Virgil screamed, falling off of his bed. "Remus?! What the fuck?! Get out, you monster! I don't want anything to do with you!"

"C'mon, don't be like that! You don't really believe that I kidnapped Roman, do you?" Remus asked, placing a hand on his hip. "Surely Roman told you otherwise!"

"He didn't." Virgil hissed.

"He didn't?" Remus asked, furrowing his brow. "Huh, you think you know a guy." He mumbled.

"Get out, Remus! I'm calling Patton!"

"Oh no! Patton?! Oh, I'm sorry, Virge! I'll leave right away!" Remus exclaimed sarcastically. Virgil glared at him. "Geez, tough crowd."

"I haven't forgiven you for what you did, y'know? Leading me on like that."

"Yes, because I yearn for your forgiveness." Remus rolled his eyes. "I didn't do it to lead you on, Vee. I did it to be my bro-bro's wingman." Remus winked.


"Ro-Ro has it BAD for you, Virge! It's kinda embarrassing you haven't noticed. You should be ashamed." Remus shrugged.

"You're lying." Virgil grumbled, looking away.

"I wish I was." Remus muttered.

"Why are you even here?" Virgil asked, eyeing Remus suspiciously.

"What? Can't I visit once in awhile?" Remus asked. "I mean, what did you think would happen if I visited? Bodies would fall from the ceiling, staining your floor a nice crimson. Then their eyes and teeth fall out, and their heads explode. After that, their fingernails are ripped off and start scratching chalkboards. Then--"

"You've been in my room for too long." Virgil grimaced.

"Remember the good ol' days, Virge? When you and I would play pranks on the light sides and listen to music?"

"I'm not like you anymore. I'm a light side now." Virgil said.

"Finally found your calling, eh? The backstabbing traitor finds his place among other backstabbing traitors." Remus plopped on Virgil's bed, grinning. "Anything new happen since I've been gone?"

"Patton and Logan are dating now." Virgil murmured, pulling out his phone.

"I can see that. They're both glasses wearing assholes who only think about themse--"

"Remus!" Virgil snapped. "Stop talking about my friends like that!"

"Did I strike a nerve? Oh, I'm so sorry." Remus snorted. "I really wish you could see them for what they really are."

"Why are you here?" Virgil repeated.

"Honestly? I wanted to convince you to let me see Roman again, but the sight of you just made me so angry I couldn't help myself from pissing you off." Remus shot Virgil a lazy smile.

"I hate you."

"I hate me too, you're not special." Remus shrugged.

"Go bother someone else." Virgil scowled, putting his headphones on.

"I'll take that as a no on the Roman thing." Remus huffed, sinking out.



"Get out."



"Hiya Patton." Remus said, plopping down on the kitchen counter.

"Hello, Remus." Patton replied, not even looking up from the bowl of cookie dough. "I trust Deceit knows you're here?"

"...uh, yeah." Remus mumbled awkwardly. "Listen, I wanted to talk about Roman--"

"If you want me to give you permission to see him, that's not going to happen." Patton said.


"Listen, Remus. I know you didn't kidnap Roman." Patton sighed, placing the bowl down.

"You do?" Remus asked, confused. "Then why--"

"Because frankly, Roman doesn't want you anywhere near him." Patton shrugged.


"He told me himself about a week ago. He doesn't want you to be near him anymore, says you're the reason he was feeling awful."

Remus wasn't convinced, but felt a weird pain in his chest anyways. "You're lying."

"If you say so, kiddo." Patton said.

Remus frowned.

Maybe he should try again on a different day.


The writer's block is OBVIOUS in this chapter.

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