Ch. 18

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Deceit knew exactly what Patton was planning, and he didn't like it one bit.

Of course, he wasn't meant to like it. It would be insane if he liked it. Ridiculous, even.

He marched through the hallway, not caring if anyone saw him at the moment. He knocked harshly on the door.

Patton opened the door with a bright smile on his face. "What can I do for you, kiddo?" He asked. "Oh, it's you." Patton scowled. "Have you found the Duke?"

"N-No, but--"

"I expect him to be found my tomorrow, Deceit." Patton frowned sternly. "He's causing a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"But Patton, that's not enough time! You don't seriously expect me to--"

"It's not like the mind palace is that big, I'm not buying the Imagination shit Roman has been spouting." Patton growled. "If you want to find Remus, Roman is your best bet."

"I know what you're planning with Logan." Deceit said, making Patton lose his train of thought. "It's not very moral of you, Patton."

"Neither is spying, Deceit." Patton spat, glaring at the taller side. "Very unbecoming of you."

"It makes sense for me, but you?" Deceit leaned forward, smirking bitterly at Patton. "Morality. That's what you are, right? What would Thomas think if he found out his moral side was so...corrupt?"

Patton giggled slightly. "Are you threatening me, Dee?" Patton asked, a look in his eyes that scared Deceit to death. "Because if you were, that would be a decision you'd later come to regret."

Deceit kept his cool, shrugging. "I just think you should reconsider the moves you've made. And the ones you plan to make." Deceit said.

"And what, pray tell, is my plan?" Patton asked. "This 'evil plan' you think I've come up with? From what? A wink at Logan?"

"You're going to kill Remus, right?" Deceit said, his voice tightening. "You're going to convince Thomas with Logan's help that Remus needs to die."

"You've always been a thinker, it's why I liked you so much." Patton smiled. "And if, hypothetically speaking, this WAS my plan...what power would you have to stop me?"

"I could expose you for the venomous beast you actually are." Deceit smirked. Patton giggled.

"And who would believe you?" Patton asked, tilting his head. "Deceit? The embodiment of dishonesty?" He laughed humorlessly. "It would be my word versus yours, and we both know who would win that battle."

"You're one to talk about dishonesty." Deceit sneered.

"As fun as this is," Patton chuckled. "What kind of fool do you take me for?"

"Excuse me?" Deceit rose a brow.

"If I killed Remus, Roman would turn against me just like that." Patton snapped his fingers for emphasis. "And Virgil wouldn't be too far behind him. They'd come running into your arms, and they'd never look back."

"So...why Logan?" Deceit asked.

"You assume I was planning anything with Logan in the first place." Patton smirked. "You overestimate me, Dee."

"Please," Deceit scoffed. "You have a very influential side at your disposal now, you want me to believe that?"

"I expect you to believe that." Patton growled. "Don't forget your place, Deceit. I made you cough up Virgil, I could very well do that to another one of your friends."

"I won't let you." Deceit hissed.

"You're wasting time, you know? You should be searching. The clock is ticking." Patton giggled.

"I hate you." Deceit growled, clenching his fists.

"I remember a time where that pretty little mouth of yours was saying how much you loved me." Patton smiled. "Times sure change."

With that Patton closed the door, and Deceit marched back to the dark side of the mind palace.

Virgil, who was listening from around the corner, was shaking as he processed what he had just heard.


Remus felt a tug. "Shit," He mumbled, gaining Roman and Remy's attention. "Duty calls."

"Don't throw up this time!" Roman ordered, watching Remus sink out.

"No promises!" Remus winked.

Remus rose up and was surprised to see no one else. "Uh, Thomas, what's up?" He asked.

"I should be the one asking you that, Ro." Thomas frowned. "Lately it's been like you weren't even there. And don't use Remus as an excuse this time, I can tell that isn't it."

"Where's everyone else?" He asked instead of giving Thomas an answer.

"I didn't summon them. You can tell me what's up, it's just you and me." Thomas gave Remus a smile. "Think of everything we've been through, Ro. There's nothing you could tell me that would make me lose faith in you."

Oh I doubt that, Remus thought. He frowned, looking everywhere but at Thomas. "Um, I can assure you that I am fin--"

"Roman! Please!" Thomas cried, startling Remus. "I just wanna help you! Let me help you!"

Wow, awkward.

"Nothing is wrong with me, Thomas. I am in good spirits!" Remus gave a broad grin.

Thomas looked over to where Patton usually stands, as if expecting Deceit to pop up.

"I appreciate your concern, really, but I am fine." Remus sighed. "You should be feeling right as rain again soon anyhow."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thomas asked.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing." Remus waved him off dismissively. "You can trust me, Thomas."

Deceit popped up, looking slightly panicked. He looked around, and saw where he was. "What the--?"

"So," Thomas mumbled. "I can't trust you?"

"Okay, fine, you can't. But--"

"What is going on with you, Ro?"

"Oh my god, this went downhill fast." Remus ran a tired hand over his face. "You can trust Roman." Remus said finally. "Okay?"

"Okay...?" Thomas said, weirded out.

"Okay!" Remus clapped his hands. "Well, I'll be off! Love you, Thomas!"

"He's lying." Deceit grimaced.

"I don't love you!" Remus admitted, sinking out.

He rose up in Roman's room. He almost immediately covered his face with his hands and sunk to the floor in embarrassment.


Bro this chapter took forever yikes.

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