Chapter 21- A bit of Insight

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Spock and Jim had just been beamed onto Nero's ship, and already they were surrounded. Luckily for them, Serenity portaled over seconds after they did, and immediately swept into action. She pulled out a modified phaser and killed nearly all the romulans with such deadly speed and accuracy, Spock didn't know whether if he was more frightened, or impressed with her performance. More who had been hiding showed up, and she ran to the Romulan stalking Jim and front flipped, kicking the alien to the ground. She wrapped her demon tail around his neck, strangulating him. Two Romulans came behind her. As she back flipped, she pulled out a modified phasor shotgun, shot down another behind Spock, and landed on the shoulders of one of the Romulans behind her. She proceeded to shoot his brains out, and had just begun to look around for any more, when a stupid romulan thought he would be sneaky and get her from behind. Serenity didn't even turn around and she shot him, not enough to kill, but enough to seriously wound him.

"Alright, he's all yours Spock," Serenity said casually, making her way to communications. She pushed a button and started to speak in perfect romulan. "They got on the ship. They've made it to the cargo bay. Send back up!"
Jim just stood there dumbfounded. Spock ran to the injured romulan and mind melded to find Captain Pike, and the anti-matter.
"Ok, what just happened?" Jim asked bewildered. Serenity chuckled, and her eyebrow went up.

"Which one? The fact that I'm highly skilled at combat, or the fact that I can speak any language and make a diversion?" She asked.

"B-Both!" Jim stuttered. "Remind me never to piss you off."

"I know where Captain Pike is, and the anti-matter." Spock stated.  Jim turned to the Admiral.

"I don't mean to be rude, but Serenity what are you doing here? We thought you were dead!" Jim asked curiously. Serenity blushed,  then cleared her throat.

"Well,  let's just say it this way. To input the coordinates of the planet Vulcan,  one would need to access the Anomaly dimension. That's all I will say for now."

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