Chapter 15 - Spock's Mistake

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A few months later,  Serenity stopped by for the Kobayashi Maru test involving her three top students, Cadets McCoy,  Kirk,  and Uhura. She was carrying a stack of corrected exams she needed to return to Spock, when the light and energy shut down. Serenity looked around in surprise when a second later, the power came back on. As she walked into the room with the other officers, Spock confronted her first.

"Serenity," Spock started. Serenity's head shot up at his tone. She raised an eyebrow and answered him firmly.

"If this is about the momentary power outtage, no I didn't do anything. Why it happened, I have no idea. Any other questions will have to wait. Come speak to me when you've cooled down." And with that,  she placed his papers on a nearby  table, promptly turned around, and walked back out the door. 15 minutes later,  Serenity was emotionally talking with Captain Christopher Pike,  a long time friend she had reconnected with once she returned to Starfleet.

"I just can't believe it Chris!  Why the hell would I do anything to the Academy, or overload any system, or for that matter,  hack into the Kobayashi Maru?!"

"Did he actually say that out loud?" Christopher asked his friend surprised. Serenity chuckled darkly.

"He didn't need to. Our soul bond told me that."

"What if he was just covering the bases of what happened?  How would he make it up to you?" Serenity turned to look at her friend, tears in her eyes.

"I don't know, Chris. I don't know."

Star Trek AOS: Nightmare MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora