Chapter 10 - Introducing Advanced Magic

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The next day, as the students filed into the classroom Spock and Serenity shared,  they gasped in awe as it had been either changed to resemble a jungle,  or they had unknowingly stepped through a portal. They looked to the front of the room, and noticed the vulcan professor standing next to Serenity.

"Alright cadets,  today we're taking a small break from magic. You need to first be able to use hand to hand combat before integrating magic into your defence and attacks, " Professor Valentino stated. "That is one of the reasons Professor Spock is here. You must not rely to much of either side. Just as an anomaly balances an internal angelic form and nightmare state,  you must learn to balance hand to hand combat, with intuitive magic. Are there any questions?" A few students raised their hands. "Yes,  Cadet Lynn?"

"Will we have to fight you AND Professor Spock?"

"Eventually yes, that is correct. But first, you must train. Today marks the begining of Advanced magic. The ambush yesterday was solid proof to Starfleet that magical training is a must. So, as of next week, I will have more classes.  Once you have finished my exam I have prepared for you, you will graduate to Magic Elite, attendance only for those who wish to continue their training. For the new students, they will begin as you did with magic 101. I expect each and every one of you to show respect to the ways of magic, and help other young ones to learn to control their own spark. I am proud you have made it this far. Now, let us begin."

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