Chapter 4 - Memory in Dreams

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Spock was back on his home planet, but in his 7 year old form. It was the day he remembered punching the daylights out of the vulcan bully. But this time, the carefully wrapped intricate webbed ribbons on an unlocked shard of the memory showed a different ending. He remembered his learning station powering down. As he rose, there stood the three vulcan children, waiting for him. 

"Spock!" He heard one of them address him. He felt a tiny shift in his body, and in his mind.

"I presume you've prepared new insults for today."

"Affirmative." Spock turned around to face them.

"This is your 35th attempt to illicit an emotional response from me."

"You're  neither human nor vulcan, and therefore have no place in this universe."

"Look, he has human eyes."

"HEY!" His heart and soul shuddered slightly, as the four vulcan boys turned their heads to face a dark haired black eyed girl. "Leave him alone!"

"A human girl come to rescue the freak?" One vulcan boy asked. His friends laughed with him. The girl stepped forward.

"I suggest you leave him alone, " the girl warned them. Young Spock stood still,  quietly watching the girl curiously.

"And if we don't?" One of the vulcan male children asked. She gave a small smile.

"Then you will regret everything you've ever done to him. Spock,  I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner. Yes I know you don't know me,  but I know you. I always have,  my Háfiēlrõn." The young vulcan boys laughed.

"No puny human can match up to a vulcan!" One of the vulcan children grabbed Spock, and held him down. The girl gave a low animalistic growl. Her eyes began to glow golden white.

"You're right. Except there's one problem... I'm no human. NOW LEAVE. HIM. ALONE!" She shouted as her whole body burst into flames. Her hidden demon wings emerged and lifted her off of the floor. The vulcan boys shook with fear, and as they dropped Spock, one fell into a learning pod. "If I ever hear of you bullying him ever again,  you may find a fate worse than death!" The three children ran away,  and once they were gone, the girl reverted back to her natural humanoid state. "I'm so sorry about that!  Are you OK?" She asked him. She held out her hand to help him up. He took it,  and instantly he could hear all her thoughts and feel her rage, love, and her sense of pure loyalty and protectiveness towards him.

"I... Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks." Young Spock stuttered. "What are you?" The girl looked around,  then back to Spock.

"Promise you won't tell?" She asked. Spock nodded. "I am called an anomaly. Can we be friends?" Spock grinned happily.

"Best friends. Wait!  What's your name?"

"My name is Serenity,  but you can call me Seren."

Spock immediately sat up in bed. He rubbed his eyes. It couldn't be her... Could it?

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