Paper Wings

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It was gray, that was what struck me the most. The sky refused to cry out any drops. It reminded me of her.

Of Yui.

I readjusted my shoes, gritting on the ground. I fixed my position before leaning back on the bench. It was the same train stop where we waited for Eri. Looking back on it, that was probably the happiest we got, after we finally talked about our relationship and before they found out and Overhaul.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh. I leaned forward and covered my face with my hand. "Ugh." I told her when I was leaving and yet... I looked left and right, again hoping that maybe..? The platform was empty. I dropped my head.

Until I heard steps coming from the stairs. I instantly turned my head to it, my eyes growing.

It was her. It was Yui.

"Hello, Izuku." She greeted me before sitting beside me, waiting with me.

"Yui..." My voice mixed with disappointment yet also surprised at her arrival. "Why are you here?"

"Uraraka told me, just like at the hospital." And just like at the hospital she looked up in thought before she spoke. "Maybe I am an extension of her."

"U-Uraraka did how did she even find-" Actually thinking about it, she was the only girl my mom met, so she probably told her. "I guess she still cares." I rubbed the back of my neck. I never got the chance to talk to her or Kyouka. Although Kyouka did leave a long-winded, foul-mouthed message I really don't want to read again.


She shoved it in front of my face, "Huh?" It was a folded paper brought back to regular size by her quirk. I was a bit perplexed but I took it from her hand. I opened it up and read it.


Thank you for helping me become the hero I wanted to be... And sorry. I'm sorry that I continued to project the idea of us onto you even though you had moved on. I should also move on, ne don't you think?

Bye Deku

And I noticed a few moist smudges of ink on the paper. Uraraka, I... "I'm sorry too." I folded the paper and put it in my pocket. I want to keep as much as mementos as I can, to keep my resolve strong.

"Will you miss her?"

I shook my head. "No... I don't think so, I mean I'll think about her now and then, I just hope we can be friends when I come back, like real friends this time."

"I see."

And that feeling I get of us being the only ones in a time-stopped world came back to me. When did she get so close? And why does everything else seem so far away? I couldn't help but ask. "Yui, can you resize time and space?"

"I wonder? Ne, look." She lifted her hand, she clenched it shut before thrusting it out with an open palm. I gulped, not believing I was about to see her use her quirk on reality.


I fell off the bench. "I fell for it." I groaned, before getting back up, dusting my self off and sitting back down next to her.

She leaned back, resting her head on the bench, looking up at the empty sky. She reached out her hand hoping to catch a few drops that were not falling. "Everyday."

"I actually think it would get depressing if it rained every day." I don't know how but when I'm with her it feels like any large doubts I have disappear into tiny afterthoughts.

"So?" As if saying she didn't care if it upset others.

"You wouldn't get sad?"


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