Study To Reminisce

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"E-Even if I am quirkless... D-Do you think, um, is it possible for someone like me to become a hero?!"

He rang the door, er, gate-bell? Buzz!

"S-So big..." Izuku marveled at the sight of the mansion as he waited patiently outside the gate. It was their last year at U.A. The league of villains wasn't as much as a threat as they were and so, the students returned to live in their proper residences.

The intercom turned on and out came a voice. "Oh, Midoriya is that you? I'll have the gates open right away! I'm so glad you were able to make it without any problems." After her voice shut off, Izuku heard a loud buzz.

The gates opened. Izuku began walking inside with a nervous sweatdrop behind his head. 'She really is a rich girl.' He reached the door about to knock.

"Midoriya, please come in!" She opened the door with an innocent, happy-to-host smile.

'W-Was she waiting for the exact moment I came to the door...' He ignored the probably truthful thought. "Ah, thank you, Yaoyorozu." He stepped inside. Momo closed the door and guided him around. Izuku couldn't help but take in the higher class presence of her home.

"I'm glad you were able to make it. I don't usually require help studying, but lately, I've been falling behind. I wasn't to keen on the idea of asking Mineta or Bakugo for a private study session. It's great that you're so reliable, Midoriya." She turned her face to him as they walked side by side. Her smile was a cheerful shade of optimism.

"Th-Thank you, Yaoyorozu... I completely understand your reasons. Mineta and Kacchan would be difficult." He had cringed eyes, feeling sorry for her. "I brought all my study material. I don't know what subject you want to take a crack at first. Is there any, in particular, you're struggling with?" Izuku was holding up his bookbag to show how stuffed it was.

Her smile was still there, but she grew a sweatdrop. "My, y-you really are good at prep, huh?" Her eyes naturally lingered to the right hand holding up the bag. Her eyes squinted back a sad gaze and she kept her composure.

Izuku nodded vigorously with huge eyes. "I have to be. Don't worry I also checked up on your suit, it's going great!" He realized how dorky he was acting. His cheeks heated up and he dropped his bag along with his eagerness. He coughed to clear his suddenly tight throat. "S-So, um, where are we going to be studying?" They had been walking for a while now.

"Oh Midoriya, I also wanted to talk about that?" A light giggle. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "No matter, we can talk about that while we study, suit designs aren't my strong point. As for where we will be studying, I believe my room would be best."

Izuku's eyes popped out his sockets. "I-Is that really a good idea? I mean...?"

Momo lifted her chin off her thinking index finger. "Why wouldn't it be? It's free from distractions, I also have a somewhat office corner for studying. If there were more of us then I would understand, but the most efficient method seems my room." She glanced at Midoriya after her explanation.

"Th-That does make sense... but what about your parents?"

"Oh, I don't think that will be a problem, work has kept them busy as of late. Although they are strict and I do adhere to their wishes, it's easier when they aren't here. Don't worry." And she had that smile.

It was a simple smile, really. Except, it was one she shared through the school too many times.

"Wh-Why did I expect something similar to my room..." Izuku dropped his book bag, he apologized, picked it back up, and gawked again at her room. 'It's bigger than my home!' He recognized her bed from there time at the U.A. dorms. It seemed more proportional here. The innocent rich girl vibe was present throughout.

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