High Octane

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Izuku hesitantly took a seat besides Uraraka and Iida at the lunch table. He felt like he was the only one facing the tension. Uraraka was a cheerful airhead like always, Iida couldn't process the mind game. Izuku glanced over Uraraka's shoulder to Tsu. She was having a conversation with Mina and Toru as if she was deliberately ignoring him. He pretended not to notice. 'I have to talk to her, probably the most out of everyone.' His eyes trailed over Uraraka again. 'And her, even though she said she wants to be friends again, last night was...' After she helped retape his bandages, there was a moment of them simply staring at each other, before he broke it, telling her good night.

He pushed those thoughts away, focusing on the two in front of him.

Momo and Yui.

"K-Karaoke huh? Sounds fun."

"Oh, it's so great to hear that you'll join!" Yaoyorozu displayed that formal preppy attitude with Yui indifferent to the situation. She took a small mouse bite of a huge cupcake she obviously used her quirk on.

'They're so opposite... Wh-Why do they look like best friends?'

They both giggled playing with a Matryoshka doll. Izuku's eye twitched. He knew Yui was messing with him like always in a fun teasing way, that she knew would get under his skin in the most unnoticed manner, yet Momo's felt strategic like she mastered the art of acting natural while analyzing the enemy.

'Wait, that makes me the enemy?! Nani?!' He bit back his own thoughts. 'Wait, she's probably just being self-conscious...' Like how he felt with Todoroki. He glanced at her and Yui. "Ne, you planned this, right Yaoyorozu? You're pretty amazing." He tilted his head with a genuine smile, after a moment, he placed his elbow on the table and rested his head on his palm.

Momo slightly stuttered, trying not to stare down shyly. He was staring at her with curiosity and earnest endearment. She wasn't mentally prepared, 'for a counter attack of positive encouragement! Oh, Izuku!' Half of her brain was planning a retaliation and the other half was dreaming of riding off into the sunset with him. "O-Oh, No it's nothing, Todoroki came up with the idea, I just helped set things up." She tried to pass the conversation to Todoroki.

He was still trying to whistle.

'Well, A for effort...' Momo sweatdropped.

"Here." Yui pulled a piece off her cupcake, offering it to Izuku.

"Ah, Thanks Yui." He took a bite like it was nothing. Yui retracted her hand, bringing the rest of the piece to herself, taking a bite and finishing it. Completely Nonchalant.

'A-An indirect k-kiss?!' Momo mentally squirmed.

Izuku snuck a glance at Momo. His eyes widened before softening. He could see the gears in her head move, trying to figure out her next step, from her careful facial expressions and twitching pout. 'Over analyzing Momo is c-cute.'

Everyone was going on with their conversations around her. She was trying to process what she just saw. What did it mean? She never could understand Yui's actions. 'And why does Izuku seem so close to her?! Ugh, he probably works on her suit.' She was trying to focus on the facts laid out. She was trying to. A vein almost throbbed. She couldn't concentrate because she could feel his stare on her. She couldn't take it and confronted his eyes with her best glare, but it instantly broke. She was waiting for something snob or a smirk, but he was simply staring with those emerald orbs that would always reflect the constellations in their quiet moments of endearment.

She gasped knowing that, that was hers. Like her smile belonged to him.

Everyone else became a blur in the background as they shared eye contact. Momo's hand raised to her uniform blouse, over her bosom. Her cheeks were tinted pink, as she stared away, playing with the button over her chest. His eyes followed her actions. His breathed pitched, nobody seemed to notice them. His eyes widened as she unbuttoned it. She spread her fingers, opening up the fabric giving him a clear view as her cleavage heaved up and down.

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