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It was still lunch and everyone was hanging around.

"For the record, I think you're a bad boy too." Todoroki added.

Izuku almost choked on his spit. "Wha-, Todoroki, th-thanks but I don't know how to feel about that." Izuku had horrid cringed eyes. 'He said it as if I was being naughty!' And that was too conflicting for Midoriya to acknowledge.

Buzz, buzz. Before they could continue the shenanigans, Izuku felt his phone vibrate, he pulled out his phone under the table and looked down at the text message. His eyes grew slightly wide, he lifted his head to her.

"Yo, Izuku have a minute?" Kyouka asked, keeping it subtle after having sent him a message.

"Um, y-yeah." He cleared his throat. "I mean, sure." He took a quick glance to Momo. "Um, we'll be right back guys." Although he was talking mostly to her.

She let out a trusting sigh. It was as if they had developed a silent form of communication and that made Momo's heart flutter at the thought. 'Something else, that's just for us.'

Kyouka and Izuku walked to a quiet corner by one of the windows in the cafeteria hall. "So, what's up?" Izuku casually asked. "Is this about Friday?" Because he had been meaning to talk about it too.

"Observant as always." She sighed. She knew he had a knack for picking up on those insights. "Well, yeah but like, there's more to it and if it's cool with you I was hoping we could talk after school at the park?"

He subconsciously checked his watch thinking about his time frames for today. "Um, yeah, around sunset though? I'm working at the shop a little after school."

"Sounds good, dude." She gave out her causal smirk or at least tried to.

Izuku noticed her lips curve into a genuine smile and she was twirling her earjack around her finger. He furrowed his eyes brows, worried. "Kyouka, it doesn't have to do with us, right?"

Her expression caught itself. "Like I said, observant as always. Look dude, we can talk after school, okay? Let's just go back to the group." She pointed with her thumb, nudging her head to them.

"S-Sure Kyouka. We can talk later."

Feel good inc

They were walking down a path that circled around the park's pond as the sun was setting. Kyouka took a lazy lean back, looking up at the clouds. They were a mesmerizing swirl of orange and purple. She smiled and rested her head against his supportive arm. "Tell me, again." She sighed out that chord.

"Again? Really, Kyouka? You know I thought you weren't the mushy type." He joked, throwing his head back with a chuckle.

"Oh, shut it, you know it's different when it's just you and me." She backed up and punched his shoulder before resting her head on it again.

He still had a laugh even after being hit. "Alright, alright." He glanced at a bench they were coming up on. "It was early in the morning and I wanted to go out for a jog." A natural smile began to pull up on his lips. "And as I was jogging to the park, I was beginning to use the path we're walking on right now." A natural pause.

She smirked against his sleeve. "And then what?"

He dropped his head, looking down, fondly recalling. They reached the bench and he sat them down on it. "And then I began to slow down because I was hearing the sweetest sound, and I came to a full stop after I realized it was because of you, sitting on this bench."

She continued from his stopping point. "I was so lost in my playing that I didn't realize you were staring. God, I was so embarrassed."

"I liked the way your earjacks knotted up. It was cute."

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