Ejirou Kirishima X Quirkless Female Reader *Edited*

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Being quirkless was the first thing you were sure to never tell people. You already had it horrible growing up and honestly, it was the stupidest thing to ever exist even. Who gets ostracized for not having a superpower? Yes, you may have been part of the 20 percent of people who didn't have a quirk but who cares! Why did that give people the right to bully you? Then the teachers never did anything about it! They looked the other way and pretended it wasn't happening. You were a very bitter child growing up and always stayed clear of people who bullied you, especially any kind of fire or water user. Your mom always stuck up with you, unfortunately, your dad left once he found out you were quirkless-you didn't need him anyway. You remembered a specific incident that happened when you were little about 13 in middle school

Flashback starts

"Did you hear that? She wants to get into U.A!" You shrunk into yourself deciding that 1 quirkless kid against 5 kids with quirks was not going to end well so you kept your head down keeping your tears of frustration at bay.

"A no-good quirkless loser like her? Only in her dreams!" You resisted flinching when one of them froze your whole desk and the teacher saw this but said nothing. What the hell is wrong with people?

"Is there any reason why you're bothering her?" You looked up to see who was brave enough to stand up for you and you saw a pink girl with horns and black eyes. She was very pretty

"Ashido mind yours, she wants to get into UA and we're here to crush that stupid little fantasy of hers." Before you can blink she kicked two of them and had the third one in a headlock

"Who says it's a fantasy? She wants to join the support class she's hella smart. I'm convinced she has an analysis quirk." You blushed at the unexpected compliment. Why would she help you?

"Let go you fucking Alien freak!" She didn't budge and was surprised to see a boy with black hair and red eyes back her up

"Her name is going to be Alien Queen." He pounded his fists together and with one final insult they all left which left you with two people you barely know looking at you

"Hey. Those guys are just a bunch of jerks and jealous that you're going to get in when they can't." You blushed rubbing the back of your neck a bit sheepishly

"Y-you really think I can get in?" You were surprised when she grabbed two chairs and told the black-haired boy to sit and she sat in between the two of you.

"Oh please! All three of us are going to get in and we are going to be the only ones too! We are going to be known in this school and make a name for ourselves!" You were surprised to see the boy staring at you but quickly averted his gaze blushing scarlet.

"What's your name?" You were getting your hopes up high but, you were hoping that maybe they can be your friends

"Oh! My name is Mina Ashido and the boy over there is Ejirou Kirishima." You smiled tentatively at them

"I'm Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you Ashido-chan and Kirishima-kun."

Flashback Ends

That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that you didn't even know you could possibly have. To your utter surprise all three of you did end up going to U.A and the three of you were the only ones from your middle school to make it into U.A. The looks on the bully's faces when you got in were beyond satisfying and you'll be lying if you said you weren't 100 percent smug at that moment. The summer flew by and before you knew it, you were standing in front of UA gates. You were beyond intimidated by it all but, you were determined to make the most out of your time here. You started walking not looking where you were going and you bumped into someone "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." Old habits die hard and you were ready to run just in case this person wasn't friendly

"It's okay! It's not your fault! I shouldn't have stopped in the middle like that." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and the most noticeable feature was his pointy red hair and his shark teeth. He seemed foreign and familiar at the same time. "Anyways since we stopped each other I might as well tell you my name. I'm Ejirou Kirishima-"

"Kirishima-Kun?" No way! This was Kirishima?? Your crush?? What did he do to his hair???

"Hah? We know each other- L/N CHAN!" Leave it to him to process things slowly. You grinned at him happy to see that he recognized you however, you weren't prepared for him to pick you up in a bone-crushing hug. You would giggle if you were able to breathe but alas he put you down as your oxygen-deprived lungs appreciated it.

"It's been a while Kirishima-Kun. How are you? I like your hair by the way." You were smitten with the way he looked surprised and blushed. You found out quickly that he was a sucker for compliments and was actually very insecure about his quirk and always comparing himself to others. It wasn't healthy but you were determined to help him

"I-I'm fine, how are you? Oh! I decided to dye it! You know to say goodbye to the weak me and hello to the new me!" He clutched his fist looking at you determinedly. It was so endearing.

"You were never weak Kirishima-kun, I always liked the way you are. I guess it doesn't matter though as long as you're happy I'm happy as well." You bashfully smiled up at him while your mind was going on a rampage. Why did you say all of that? You didn't mean anything to him! Why would he want to be with someone who's quirkless? Who struck it lucky-

"I hope you know that goes both ways." Did you hear him correctly? Did he say both ways?

"....It does?" Ah, of course, a way to showcase your intelligence

"I-I mean y-yeah. I know t-this is all s-so weird and s-sudden but I couldn't stop thinking about you! The w-whole summer I was thinking about you! I was wondering i-if we get the chance c-can we h-hang out? G-get to know each other?" He was sweating bullets and blushing and you knew you looked the same way.

'Bitch take this chance and run with the wind' "That s-sounds p-perfect!" What were you doing? You had no idea but fuck it you only live once!

"G-Great! U-uh? We can figure o-out a time later but, for now, I think we should go through?!" You looked around and saw you two were the only ones left. You agreed and you both hauled ass to keep from being late on your first day!


I hope the ending wasn't rushed!

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