Hawks (Keigo Takami) X Female Reader *Edited*

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A/N: Spoilers for chapter 184 in the manga. Direct quotes from that chapter


"Oh for fuck's sake why is this man like this?" You were sitting home alone watching the rankings of Japan's top ten hero's on the Billboard chart. Since Japan's Symbol of Peace All Might had to retire after the Kamino Ward incident you wanted to know who was going to be new in the rankings. You had a feeling that Endeavor was going to be number 1 but was pissed about it since he didn't want it "like this". Well, that's what you got from Aizawa when you talked to him and he overheard Shoto talking with his friends about it in class one time.

"She used to be Ninth, but she fell a spot! Dragoon Hero: RYUKYU" You watched as the female heroine bashfully disregarded the attention as you snorted. They just can't be happy that she's in the top 10? They had to add salt to the wound.

"Number 9! Another one who fell that's unprecedented for him!! Equipped Hero: YOROI MUSHA!!"

"Number 8! You know him from those clean 'n' shiny commercials... Laundry Hero: WASH!"

"Number 7! It's a great leap forward for this up-and-comer...KAMUI WOODS!"

"Number 6! Rock steady as ever! This orthodox hero has maintained his rank! Shied Hero: CRUST!"

"Number 5! This unyielding bunny was bumped in the rankings! Rabbit Hero: MIRKO!"

"Number 4! The Mysterious Shinobi whose incident resolution rate and support are skyrocketing...Ninja Hero: EDGESHOT!" You were beginning to get nervous. Where was he? You were sure with all his previous stunts he was going up in his polls and popularity.

"Still at number 3 even though he's taking time off! With a higher public support rate than anyone it's fiber hero: BEST JEANS!" Who was the number 2 hero then?

"Number 2!" You felt your mouth drop at the sight of your best friend/crush beautiful red wings as he hovered above the stage with his usual aloof and cocky look on his face "He does thing's his way, but always fiercely! With unstoppable momentum, he's made it to second place! Wing Hero: HAWKS!" You gasped and squealed happily to yourself your feet kicking the sofa you were sitting on in happiness. He made it! He made a promise to you that you were going to see him on that billboard chart in the top 3 even. You thought he was pushing it with being in the top three but you kept that bit to yourself flooding him with endless support. You felt it wasn't needed since his fan base was so huge but he always assured you that your support meant the most to him. You didn't bother watching the rest of it knowing already that Endeavor was the number one hero. You changed the channel and put some mutual crime show on that you loved to watch but right now you felt as if you were on a high. You weren't expecting to see Hawks tonight, maybe tomorrow? Nah that was too soon and he was always so busy, always disappearing for weeks and his texts few and far in between. It must be a lot of work to be a pro-hero let alone someone who's in the top 3. Living that kind of life must be very stressful and you didn't want to add to that stress by constantly texting him or calling him. You never knew when he was on a mission and what if your text was to ruin the whole thing? That was something you do not want to be responsible for. You stretched out on the couch and decided to shower and then grab something to eat real quick. Once you did all of that you headed to your bedroom and fell asleep not really wanting to go to work tomorrow but you did


You trudged your way to the animal clinic. You were a vet's assistant and they paid pretty well for you to live comfortably as you were completing your final year of residency and schooling to become a full-blown veterinarian. You have seen it all from a cow to a ferret to a python to a frog. You loved any and all animals it didn't matter to you. You came in at 7 in the morning greeting everyone and you took one sniff and figured that you had just missed someone bringing in an animal-possibly a dog- with mange. Your quirk actually helped you since you had the ability to gain whatever animal features you want and were able to communicate with the animals that even the most aggressive ones trusted you. These qualities made you very famous and you had some very promising job offers after you became a full-blown veterinarian. The day went by fast as it usually does, or maybe it's because no matter how tired you are you thoroughly enjoy your job? Okay, okay you'll be a liar if you didn't admit that in the last hour you would rush everything and consistently look at the clock until it struck 5 and you were out the door. You were in a slight hurry to make it home so you decided to take some shortcuts, what's the worst that could happen?

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty" Fucking fuck shit. You knew that sleazy voice was towards you because your last patient was a very angry and hurt cat so you turned into a Neko to calm her down and didn't even bother changing back. Well, it wasn't time, once you changed into an animal it lasts for an hour and you've been like this for only 30 minutes.

"Ignore him." You picked up the pace and you felt panic rise up inside of you as he started chasing you and with no care, in the world, you overturned garbage cans to try and trip him up until you escaped or alerted a local hero's attention. It seems nothing was working for you at the moment since the overturned garbage cans didn't stop him in the slightest and the noise hasn't alerted anyone? What the bloody hell?

"I got you!" You felt his hand graze your tail as you gave an unplanned shriek and in two seconds you saw a flash of red and you were...flying? You were confused as to why you suddenly went airborne but when you saw a flap of red wings you knew who it was.

"Keigo?" You were the only civilian allowed to call him by his real name and he gave you a smirk as he casually looked down at the perp below who seemed to have lost all color in his face and was shaking like a leaf staring at Hawks in horror

"You have three seconds." He didn't even finish his sentence before the guy took off and was gone in a flash. You looked back up to Keigo whose attention was now on you as he grinned cheekily at you

"Hey honey bun, how's it going?" You pouted at him making sure your ears went back and your eyes went wide. He was never able to resist it and was pleased to see a blush cross his face as he turned to cough into his fist.

"Can you take me home please?" He nodded as you both flew making sure to hide from the public. Once you were safely placed on your balcony you thank God you left it unlocked as you both entered and you quickly locked it pulling the curtains for privacy. You turned to see Hawks taking off his coat and boots and plopping down onto the couch with a sigh his wings splayed out for the world to see. You rolled your eyes at the idiot but you were actually ecstatic to see him here. You went to your room quickly changing and washing up before making your way to the kitchen. "I have leftover chicken with fries." At the sound of chicken Hawks sat up and followed you straight into the kitchen. You couldn't help but laugh at the cannibal even though he resented that term by saying he's part Hawk, not part chicken.

"You don't even have to ask sweet cheeks." He wrapped his arms around you from behind never leaving your side which made heating up the leftovers a little hard but nothing you can't manage. As you pre-heated the oven waiting you started humming and noticed Hawks was swaying you two so you went with it. After it was done you both were giggling his hold on you tightening as he laid his head on your shoulder.

"I missed you, you know." He froze a bit before humming and bringing his wings around to enclose you a bit. The oven was finally pre-heated so you placed the frozen fries in there along with the chicken.

"I missed seeing your beautiful face." He was always so confident, so flirtatious you couldn't help but think bitterly about how many women he woos and bring home with him for a night. "Why the long face?" You looked at him in the eyes as he stared right back never blinking but you saw the light of concern in them.

"Just wondering how many women you tell that to." He turned his face coming a bit closer as his eyes never left yours.

"Just one." He was really close now, his lips hovering over yours giving you time to pull away. "And I'm looking right at her." With that said he planted his lips on yours and dammit you don't know where this was coming from but you were going to enjoy every moment of it. You wrapped your arms around his neck tilting your head to deepen the kiss as he pulled you in closer leaving no space between the two of you. You both parted and you had no idea what is going on but you both were going to figure it out

"I didn't think you like me like that." You wanted to wince but it was the truth.

"Of course I do, and I don't care what I got to do to prove it, I will. We are in this together." You studied his features from his unruly blonde locks down to the gentle smile on his lips, no trace of his usual smirk

"Yeah...Together." You weren't sure what was going to happen to be in a relationship with the number two hero but you knew you'll manage.


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